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CSC368-PowerShell Script Project Solved

CSC 368 – System Programming Languages

PowerShell Script Project 

For this project you will write (and test) a PowerShell script to create an inventory of a computer system.  

Create a script that uses the commands from homework #3.  Do not display all the information each command returns, instead choose the fields you feel are most important to an inventory (you can pipe the output of the command to Format-List * to see all properties).  In addition, you should organize your listing of programs installed on the computer by either vendor or program name (this will require sorting of the output before displaying it).  Get the system name (on the env:\ logical drive, use .Value as a property for the Get-Item result) and the date and time of the inventory report.  Then use the following classes for Get-WmiObject:






Win32_LogicalDisk (only DriveType=3)




10% Extra Credit:  Create a web page (html) output for your results.  There are several examples available on the Internet.  

You may use any resources to accomplish your assignment except the other people.  Document the sources you use by including a comment in your PowerShell script describing the sources and how you used them.  For example, a comment:  “site was used as an example of how to get information from the command line parameters for a script” would be a good annotation.

The assignment is due on April 21.

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