This assignment involves assembly-language coding with the use of a combination of assembler and MIPS simulator. The one to be used for this assignment is the MARS
The assignment is in three parts where the first two can be considered something
like “warm-up” exercise for the much harder third part (although the results of
these two parts will be needed for the third part).
As mentioned above you will use the MARS application for not only writing your
solution in MIPS assembly but also running, testing, debugging. Although there are
other MIPS emulators (e.g., SPIM and its relatives) these are much harder to use. As
your code will be tested using MARS, you must use this system.
MARS is written in Java and therefore will work on macOS, Windows, and Linux
systems. (There is a slight “gotcha” with macOS which will be described in class.)
Follow the instructions at the link above regarding installation and execution.
In this part you will write an implementation of a string-comparison function that
rhymes with strcmp()in a way that it behaves as you might expect in a C program.
That is, in C a call of:
strcmp("abc", "def")
returns -1 as “abc” comes before “def” in lexicographic order; similarly:
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strcmp("def", "abc")
returns 1 as “def” appears after “abc” in lexicographic order; and lastly:
strcmp("ghi", "ghi")
returns 0 as both strings passed to strcmp() are the same as each other (i.e., they
would appear in the same position in lexicographic order). However, you will not be
writing your code in C, nor will it be called from a C program. And, of course, the
string values that will passed as parameters to your assembly-language function will
differ from the examples just given.
You have been provided with a starter file named part_a.asm. Note that most of
the file currently consists of some assembler directives, allocations of memory for
global variables (in the .data) section, and some driver code that interacts with the
user, calls FUNCTION_STRCMP, and outputs the value returned by that function. All of
your solution for the first part of the assignment must appear in this function.
There is also a large comment just before FUNCTION_STRCMP. It reads:
This comment indicates a strict requirement for your solution. You are not
permitted to modify any of the code before this comment, or add any additional
.data sections after the comment unless given express written permission by
the course instructor. Your function must operate correctly as it is called by the
driver code, and also work when during evaluation some of the constants (such as
marking your assignment will always be called with properly-formed input (i.e., we
will not be testing for error handling). Any changes to constants will be coherent,
e.g., if MAX_WORD_LEN is changed to 64, then MAX_WORD_LEN_SHIFT will be changed
to 6 (which means MAX_WORD_LEN will always be a power of 2).
The code in part A does not modify the parameters passed to it. The code in this
part, however, must swap the contents of two strings. That is:
• The function receives the starting address of each string.
• It copies the characters corresponding to the first string into a temporary
• It then copies the characters corresponding to the second string into the
memory of the first string.
• Finally it copies the characters in the temporary area into the second string.
The copying will involve using loops and the lbu and sb MIPS instructions. Further
the space for the temporary area must be obtained from the stack, which will
involve increasing the size as the start of the function and decreasing it at the end of
the function.
You have been provided with a starter file named part_b.asm. Note that most of
the file currently consists of some assembler directives, allocations of memory for
global variables (in the .data) section, and some driver code that interacts with the
user and calls FUNCTION_SWAP. All of your solution for the second part of the
assignment must appear in this function.
The same strict requirements as described for part A also apply for part B with
respect to modifying the provided code.
You will need your work from parts A and B to complete part C. In fact, you will need
copy-and-paste your functions into the starter file provided to you (part_c.asm).
(And, yes, the strict requirements are repeated for this part.) In this part your code
will sort an array of strings where the strings are input by the user; this input and
output code is already provided to you.
The quicksort implementation you are to write must be the one described in this
particular section of the Wikipedia article for quicksort:
For operations such as:
A[i] < pivot
you will use your FUNCTION_STRCMP, and actions such as:
swap A[i] with A[j]
you will, of course, call upon your own FUNCTION_SWAP implementation.
The hardest task in this part will be the implementation of FUNCTION_PARTITION,
and you must write this as a separate function. (In fact, once this function is
completed, calling it from FUNCTION_QUICKSORT in a way that works is almost
laughingly easy.)
Please make use of FUNCTION_PRINT_WORDS provided to you in part_c.asm as a
debugging aid. You will find this will be an very helpful aid when debugging
And two final cautions:
• For all of the parts of this assignment, your implementations of the functions
must properly save registers (at function start) and properly restore
registers (at function end). If this is not properly done, you will run into
infuriating bugs as registers in some function have their values changed in ca
called function in a way that you do not intend or desire. Put all of the
register-save code at the start of functions, and all register-restore code at
the end of functions. Do not intersperse save and restore code amongst the
rest of the function as that style of coding infuriatingly difficult to keep
• Beware of what you read on Stack Overflow and other places. You will find
lots of hits for “MIPS” and “quicksort”, but the slough of despond into which
you descend trying to figure out the postings will not be worth the visit.
Many of those postings are aimed at new programmers or those unfamiliar
with many aspects of computer science. If you not only trust what you have
learned so far in CSC and SENG courses, but also use that knowledge as you
attempt a solution from first principles, then you will find coding easier and
more successful.