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CSC35- Lab 5: Secret Number Game Solved

You have a wonderful job at a computer games company. Besides spending your days getting paid to play, you get to help write some simple games. For this lab, The Boss wants you to create a game based on the classic "Secret Number.

This game is also quite easy. The computer generates a random number (traditional from 1 to 100). Then the player will attempt to guess it. After each guess, the computer tells the player whether their guess is too high or too low. Once they get it correct, the game is complete. 

Basically, you are going to write a loop that will continue until the guess is equal to the correct answer. Inside the loop, you need to check if the correct answer is too high or too low and display a message. The exact wording is up to you. Make sure to print a third message when the loop is complete.

The Game
The computer will generate a random number between 1 and 100. How do you do that? The csc35.o object library contains a subroutine called "random". Pass the range of numbers into %rax. It will return a random number from 1 to n-1 into %rax. 

Please read the documentation!

Your solution doesn't to look exactly like the example below. But, make sure to fulfill all the requirements. You can use this output to test if your program is correct. The underlined text is user input.

Guess: 30 

You are too low 


Guess: 50 

You are too high 


Guess: 45 

You are too high 


Guess: 40 

You are too low 


Guess: 42 

Correct!  It took you a total of 5 guesses! 

You must think of a solution on your own.  The requirements are as follows:

Generate a random number
Loop until they enter the correct answer
Display a message if their guess is too high or too low in there.
Display a message congratulating the player when they get the correct answer.
Display the total number of player guesses
UNIX Commands 

Edit File
nano filename
"Nano" is an easy to use text editor.
"Alpine" is text-based e-mail application. You will e-mail your assignments it. 
Assemble File
as -o objectfile  asmfile
Don’t mix up the objectfile and asmfile fields. It will destroy your program!
Link File
ld -o exefile  objectfiles
Link and create an executable file from one (or more) object files
Folder Navigation 

Change current folder
cd foldername
"Changes Directory"
Go to parent folder
cd .. 
Think of it as the "back button".
Show current folder
Gives a file path
List files
Lists the files in current directory.
File Organization 

Create folder
mkdir foldername
Folders are called directories in UNIX.
Copy file
cp oldfile  newfile
Make a copy of an existing file
Move file
mv filename  foldername  
Moves a file to a destination folder
Rename file
mv oldname  newname
Note: same command as "move".
Delete file
rm filename  
Remove (delete) a file. There is no undo.


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