The objective of this lab is to design a 9’s complementer from a hierarchy of components using Verilog description and simulate using a test bench.
Lab Procedure
In this lab assignment, you will continue to practice hierarchical design by designing a 9’s complementer using verilog. You will start with the design from the previous lab (half adder and full adder), then build a 4-bit adder, 4-bit adder/subtractor, and finally a 9’s complementer.
Half-adders in terms of gates. (Lab 7)
Full-adders in terms of half-adders (Lab 7)
4-bit adder in terms of full-adders
4-bit adder/subtractor in terms of 4-bit adder
9’s complementer in terms of 4-bit adder/subtractor
Like 2’s complement, 9’s complement is used to subtract a number using addition. 9’s complement of a decimal number is the subtraction of its each digit from 9. The block diagram of a 1-digit 9’s complementer is shown below. The input decimal digit (0 – 9) is represented as a 4-bit binary, and the output generates the 9’s complement in binary by calculating y = 9 - x.
Copy your Lab 7’s verilog code for half adder and full adder (from “your playground” on EDAplayground.com).
Build a 4-bit adder: In this part, we will design a 4-bit adder following the topology of the circuit diagram. In the following module for the 4-bit adder, add Verilog statements below the comments so it matches the circuit. The module for 1-bit full adder from Lab 7 is “fulladder (S, C, x, y, cin)”
module four_bit_adder (S, C4, A, B, Cin);
input [3:0] A,B;
input Cin;
output [3:0] S;
output C4;
//Declare intermediate carries
wire C1, C2, C3;
//Instantiate the fulladder
fulladder FA0(S[0], C1, A[0], B[0], Cin);
fulladder FA1(S[1], C2, A[1], B[1], C1);
fulladder FA2(S[2], C3, A[2], B[2], C2);
fulladder FA3(S[3], C4, A[3], B[3], C3);
Build a 4-bit adder/subtractor: Complete the following Verilog module so it matches the circuit below.
module adder_subtractor(S, C, A, B, M);
input [3:0] A,B;
input M;
output [3:0] S;
output C;
//Declare outputs of XOR gates
wire [3:0]N;
// Instantiate the XOR gates
xor XOR0(N[0],B[0], M);
xor XOR1(N[1],B[1], M);
xor XOR2(N[2],B[2], M);
xor XOR3(N[3],B[3], M);
// Declare carry
wire C4;
// Instantiate the 4-bit full adder
four_bit_adder FBA(S, C4, A, N, M);
Write a Verilog module for the 9’s complementer:
module nine_s_complementer (x,y);
input [3:0] x;
output [3:0] y;
// Declare wire
wire C4;
// Instantiate the nine_s_complementer
adder_subtractor AS(y, C4, 9, x, 1);
Write a testbench program to test the 9’s complementer. Fill in the blanks and add all the test cases after the comment “// Initialize Inputs”
module test;
// input
reg[3:0] x;
// output
wire[3:0] y;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
nine_s_complementer uut(x,y);
$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, test);
// display the inputs and outputs
$monitor( "x = %d y = %d", x, y);
// Initialize Inputs
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) begin
{x} = i;
#10 $finish;
Test on EDAplayground.com
Log into your EDAplayground.com account.
Edit your Verilog design code and testbench code in the right and left windows respectively, enter a name such as “Lab 9” for your project in the edit box at the bottom and click the “Save” button to save your project.
On the left panel, under Tools and Simulations, select Icarus Verilog 0.9.7 and check the box of “Open EPwave after Run”
Click “Run” at the top to run the simulation, watch for waveforms and verify your full adder works correctly.