The objective of this lab is to design a synchronous sequence detector that detects a bit-pattern “110”.
We want to design a circuit which detects (110) sequences in a string of bits coming through an input line (i.e., the input is a serial bit stream). Once the (110) sequence is detected, output becomes (1), otherwise it stays as (0). A sample input and output bit streams (sequence) are given below. First bit coming to the input is the one shown on the far left.
Example Input bit stream: x= 0100110010100010110100
Example Output bit stream: y= 0000010000000000010000
The diagram of the sequence detector is shown below. Beside the clock, input x and output y, it has a reset input to force the detector into the initial state (“00”). The circuit also output the present state.
Lab Procedure
Derive the State Diagram for a Moore “110” sequence detector:
Write a Verilog code to implement the sequence detector in behavioral level
module sequence_detector(clock, reset, x, y, state);
// input
input clock, reset, x;
// output
output y;
output [1:0] state; // state is 2-bit
reg [1:0] state;
always @( posedge clock, posedge reset ) // state machine
if (reset)
state <= 2'b00; // reset state
case (state)
2'b00: if(x)state <= 2'b01; else state <= 2'b00;
2'b01: if(x)state <= 2'b10; else state <= 2'b00;
2'b10: if(x)state <= 2'b10; else state <= 2'b11;
2'b11: if(x)state <= 2'b01; else state <= 2'b00;
// output y at state “11”
assign y = state[1] & state[0]; // state[1] is the MSB
On the EDAplayground.com, create a Verilog testbench to test your sequence detector and perform the simulation to check if the results are correct. You should generate the input stimuli (x, reset) as shown in the below timing diagram and produce the corresponding outputs (y, state).
module test;
reg clock, x, reset;
wire y;
wire [1:0] state;
// instantiate the uut
sequence_detector uut(clock, reset, x, y, state);
//generating the clock signal
clock = 0; // clock starts low
forever #5 clock = ~clock; // toggle clock
#200 $finish; // stop simulation after 200 clock cycles
$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars(1,test);
// monitor the state, x, and y signals
$monitor("state = %b x = %b y = %b ", state,x,y);
// Initalize inputs
x = 0; reset = 1;
#13 reset = 0; // hold reset low for 13 clock cycles
#10 x = 1; // set x high for 10 clock cycles
#10 x = 0; // set x low for 10 clock cycles
#10 x = 1;
#10 x = 1;
#10 x = 0;
#10 x = 1;
#10 x = 0;
#10 x = 0;
#10 x = 1;
#10 x = 1;
#10 x = 1;
#10 x = 0;
#10 x = 0;
#10 $finish; // stop simulation after 200 clock cycles
Homework: design a FSM machine for detecting sequence “001” by deriving a state diagram and implement it using Verilog.