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CSC220-Lab 1 Solved

Familiarize yourself with the Processing environment,


1.     Start Processing. Experiment with some of the examples shown and read tutorials.


2.     Design and create your own sketch using Processing. Think of yourself as a creative designer when choosing the topic of your design. This is your very first sketch, so here are some guidelines: 

•        Make sure that it is at least 500 pixels by 500 pixels.

•        Make use of any of the drawing primitives learned in class in the past week:

size, no/smooth, stroke, fill, point, line, rect, triangle, ellipse, quad, begin/endShape, arc, curve, etc.

•        Your sketch should make use of at least five basic shape functions (as this is the point of this assignment!). A really "abstract" sketch like a simple circle in the center of the screen will not suffice (as asthetic as it may seem).

•        Make sure to have your signature on your drawing. Design your own signature by using text() function.

To give you some ideas, several sketches will be presented in class. Here are some additional ideas:

•        A self-portrait

•        An avatar or a cartoon of someone

•        Your favorite cartoon TV Show character (e.e. South Park), or design your own...

•        A city scape

•        Animal/object caricatures/study

•        A Post Card Design

•        A fabric pattern

•        Stylize your name's initials...or a logo

Make sure to follow the Code Formatting Standards in your implementation

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