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CSC2001F - ASSIGNMENT 5 Solved



This is to be done in groups of 5 (five).  If you submit on your own instead, you will be penalized, as groupwork experience is important.  

If you do not form a group yourself in time, you will be placed in a group: check the wiki. 


•       NB Ensure all 5 member names are included on your submission and on the Vula wiki.  

•       Enter the name of the group member who submitted your work on the Vula wiki.   

•       Use the Vula Forum for queries, not email (email queries will not be answered); then everyone has the same information.  

•       This specification is brief and the client is not available for interviews, so state any assumptions you make as necessary. 


You are asked to design the database for a learning management system (LMS) identical to UCT’s Vula. You are restricted to what Vula shows; do not include your own ideas for a LMS. Consider only course sites, not project sites; cover assignments, gradebook, tests/quizzes, resources and forums, but not other tools such as sessions, announcements, calendar, wiki, chat room, course evaluations, external tools like lecture videos/Automarker, etc. 


(A)   Draw an ER (entity-relationship) model of Vula, using the ER notation from lectures. If necessary, state any assumptions you have made and list any constraints that cannot be 

        shown on the diagram.                                                                                                            [8] 

(B)   Give the relation scheme derived from your ER model: give each relation name with the names of its attributes in brackets, underlining the attributes of the primary key.       [3] 

(C)   List the FDs (functional dependencies) that hold for the attributes in your ER model. NB FDs with the same left hand side can be combined e.g. replace A→B and A→C  by A→BC             [3] 

(D)   Is your relation scheme in 3rd normal form (yes/no)? If yes, state briefly why. If not, either give a 3NF relation scheme for this data, or explain why it is better not to do so.       [1] 

(E)   Create an application that allows users to perform some meaningful operations (of your own choice) using the database from Database Assignment 1. You may alter its relation scheme and/or data content if necessary. You may use any programming language. Note there are NO marks for the interface, as the focus of this assignment is accessing the 

database.  A mark of 3 will be given for a straight forward app that works correctly.          [4] 

(F)    State the contribution of each person in the group.    [1] 


If you do a hand-drawn ER diagram, submit this to Computer Science Reception by the due date, keep a copy of your own as backup, and sign the ER Diagram Submission Sheet at Reception. 


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