▪ Write a program to read the dec_events.txt file and create a report. ▪ Store the report into a file named report.txt. ▪ The report should contain the following data for each event, printed in columns, with column headings:
▪ Below the event table, print the total number of people attending events, the total revenue for the events and the average cost per person.
▪ You should have separate functions to: o Read a line of data. o Calculate the revenue for an event and return it. o Print one line in the report. o Print the total attending, total revenue, and average cost per person. ▪ You can put the statements to accumulate the total attendance and total revenue right in main. ▪ Your program should work with files containing fewer or more records (lines) than those shown in the table above.
*** A similar example program, labelled “Student Grades” is posted under Content for Unit 6.
Code your program. Save it in a file named events_xxx.cpp where xxx are your initials.