1. Create a doubly linked list with at least five nodes using a class template with template methods
a. Print the linked list
2. Add a copy constructor and overloaded assignment operator to the linked list
a. Test the copy constructor and the copy assignment
3. Read the linked list from part 1 and create another linked list reversing the logical order of the first linked list
a. Print the linked list
4. Delete the third node of each list. (Also try to (1) delete a non-existent node and (2) delete from an empty list)
a. Print both linked lists
5. Add a node in the middle of each linked list
a. Print both linked lists
6. Repeat steps 1-4 using doubles
7. Run valgrind to test for memory leaks Sample printout (similar output for doubles):
Part 1:
Linked list 1: 88 78 62 143 60
Part 2:
Linked list 1 copy constructor: 88 78 62 143 60 Linked list 1 copy assignment: 88 78 62 143 60
Part 3:
Linked list 2: 60 143 62 78 88
Part 4 (after deleting the third node):
Linked list 1: 88 78 143 60
Linked list 2: 60 143 78 88
Part 5 (after adding a node in the middle of the list):
Linked list 1: 88 78 70 143 60
Linked list 2: 60 143 70 78 88
Part 6 – Repeat Part 1 thru 5 using doubles
Part 7 – Run valgrind memory leak check
Extra Credit
Implement an ordered singly (or doubly) linked list class (suggested name listOrdered). This time linked nodes are stored internally in ascending order. Perform operations 1 thru 5 as outlined above using listOrdered.