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CS773- Programming Assignment 2: (Cache Covert and Side Channel Attack) Solved

This programming assignment is designed to ensure that you are acquainted with the working principle of CPU Cache and its related security issues. In this assignment, you need to create a Cache Covert Channel to share information between Gogo and Gollu, running on two cores, in a multi-core system. Prior to creating the covert channel, you can go through the “FLUSH+RELOAD” attack to get a kick-start. The details about the attack is available in the link Once you understand the whats, hows, and whys, you are ready to go. You can download/clone the codebase and all other relevant files for PA2 from the following link

Part 1: Cache Covert Channel (FLUSH+RELOAD)
This part of the assignment deals with creating a covert channel between Gogo and Gollu that are running on two separate physical cores. They cannot communicate directly for confidentiality reasons and that’s why they need to create a covert channel to communicate so that no other processes could get the information. This part consist of two tasks:

Task 1a [It is Damn Easy !! 5 Points]: In this task, you need to create a Cache Covert Channel using FLUSH+RELOAD where Gogo reads some information from the terminal and sends it to Gollu. You can assume that the information read from the terminal will not be more than 50 characters. You have to report the covert channel bandwidth and the accuracy of the channel.

Task 1b [This is the real assignment !! 10 Points]: This Task is an extension of Task 1a. You need to share secret information but this time it will be a text file. You can choose any text file.

This task is further divided into the following subtasks:

Gogo first reads a filename from the terminal and communicates the filename to Gollu using the covert channel. You can assume that the file to be sent will be in the current working directory of Gogo.
After receiving the file name, Gollu creates a new blank file by appending received_ in front of the filename received from Gogo.
After sending the filename, Gogo then reads the content of the file and communicates it to Gollu using covert channel again!
Gollu then writes all the received contents into a file that was earlier created by Gollu.
You have to report the covert channel bandwidth and the accuracy of the channel.
[Note: Gogo and Gollu’s current working directories are different]

Part 2: Cache Side Channel on GnuPG
Task 2a [easy peasy lemon squeezy, 5 Points]: In this task, you need to perform the FLUSH+RELOAD attack on GnuPG cryptography Library to observe accesses to critical functions like Square (S), Module(r), and Multiply (M) function during the encryption or decryption process of the RSA algorithm. For this assignment, Gogo will mount a side-channel attack with a goal to leak the critical accesses of Gollu. You have to report the True Positive Rate and False Positive Rate of the side-channel.

Check the Cache_side_channel_on_GnuPG.pdf file in the github repo for more details.

Task 3a [Sounds interesting: Gogo and Gollu as Romeo and Juliet, 5 Points]: In this task, Gogo sends his heart (soul may be, in the form of an image file) to Gollu over the Cache Covert Channel, created using FLUSH+RELOAD attack. You have to report the covert channel bandwidth and the accuracy of the channel.

[Note: All the information sharing has to be performed through the Cache covert channel only. All the task(s) has to be done on the Linux Operating System. We will accept your submission via Moodle only, and any other submission mode is strictly prohibited such as submitting via email or piazza. While using Piazza/email for discussions, use CS773-PA2 as the header]


Source code for Task 1a, Task 1b, and Task 2a along with the Challenge task if attempted. Document your code properly. Share your results and experiences in a pdf: Why something worked/not worked, any insights, any experiments that you did to validate your assumptions/confusions.
In the pdf, also provide division of labor: Who did what, say Biswa did Task 1a, Biswa2 did Task 1b and 25% of Task 2a.
Feel free to discuss the assignment among your friends. However, at the end of the day, we want you to do everything on your own.
Write a README file including what you have discussed with whom and any other sources that you have referred to for the assignment. If you have used any scripts/code from your friends, do mention that as well

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