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CS6635 Assignment 1 Solution

Plotting and Graphing using Python and/or Matlab
Use either Matplotlib in Python or Matlab to perform the following plotting:
Part 1: Generate your own data and visualize it [20 pts]
1 [4 pts] Create an array with 200 elements from 1 to 200 in order. Create a box plot for visualization of your data.
2 [4 pts] Create an array with 10,000 random numbers. Create a histogram of the data using 20 bins.
3 [6 pts] Write a program to generate 100 random numbers Gaussian distributed between 1 and 100. Write the numbers out to a binary file and use a line graph to draw the 100 numbers.
3.aYou will need to find an appropriate mean and standard deviation for the Gaussian. It is okay if just a few of the numbers generated are outside the [1,100] range.
4 [6 pts] Write a program to read the binary file back, divide the range between 1 and 100 into 7 intervals, and calculate the frequency for each interval: Display a histogram of your result.
Part 2: Interesting data sets for visualization [36 pts]
1 [6 pts] Download the NOAA Land Ocean Temperature Anomalies Data Set: Create a bar plot of the data. Include a label called “Year” along the x-axis and a label called Degrees F +/- From Average along the y-axis. Describe trends in the data.
[6 pts] Download the member of Congress by Age data set:
2 Create a Star Plot of the data and create a Parallel Coordinates Plot of the data. Describe the trends in the data.
4 [18 pts] Five Thirty Eight maintains a sever with many interesting datasets: . Choose 3 different data sets to visualize. Visualize each data set in a different way. Describe the trends in the data.
Part 3: Questions on The Value of Visualization Paper
( [24 pts]
5 [6 pts] Why is assessing value of visualizations important? What are the two measures for deciding the value of visualizations?
6 [6 pts] Briefly describe a mathematical model for the visualization block shown in Fig. 1.
7 [6 pts] State four parameters that describe the costs associated with any visualization technique.
8 [6 pts] What are the pros and cons of interactivity of visualizations?
Part 4: 3D scalar volume data sets (Only for CS 6635) [20 pts]
MATLAB/Python also can be used for analysis and visualization of 3D volume data sets, such as brain MRI images. Download the brain MRI data set from . The data format is .nii with 320 x 320 x 256 di mensions. Load data in MATLAB/Python. Extract one slice from the volume and save it as an i mage.
• One library that can be used for this in Python is NiBabel:
Extra Credit: Implementation of Part 1 [5 pts], Part 2 [10 pts] , and Part 4 [10 pts] (Only for CS 6635) in BOTH Python and Matlab.
What to turn in:
Write a short report documenting your results, including any necessary plots/figures, and answering any questions asked above. Be sure to explain any figures you submit and to write a conclusion at the end of your report. Your homework is primarily graded upon your report. Please submit your report on Canvas in PDF format.

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