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CS6601 Assignment 2 - Skid Isolation Solution

This assignment will cover some of the concepts discussed in the Adversarial Search lectures. You will be implementing game playing agents for a variant of the game Isolation.
Table of Contents
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Jupyter Tips
Get repository
Pull this repository to your local machine:
git clone
Activate the environment: conda activate ai_env
In case you used a different environment name, to list of all environments you have on your machine you can run conda env list.
Install additional package that will be used to for visualising the game board.
pip install ipywidgets==7.5.0
Further instructions are provided in the notebook.ipynb. Run:
jupyter notebook
Once started you can access http://localhost:8888 in your browser.
Jupyter Tips
1. My Jupyter notebook does not seem to be starting up or my kernel is not starting correctly.
Ans: This probably has to do with activating virtual environments. If you followed the setup instructions exactly, then you should activate your conda environment using conda activate <environment_name> from the Anaconda Prompt and start Jupyter Notebook from there.
2. I was running cell xxx when I opened up my notebook again and something or the other seems to have broken.
Ans: This is one thing that is very different between IDEs like PyCharm and Jupyter Notebook. In Jupyter, every time you open a notebook, you should run all the cells that a cell depends on before running that cell. This goes for cells that are out of order too (if cell 5 depends on values set in cell 4 and 6, you need to run 4 and 6 before 5). Using the "Run All" command and its variants (found in the "Cell" dropdown menu above) should help you when you're in a situation like this.
3. The value of a variable in one of my cells is not what I expected it to be? What could have happened?
In case you are willing to use IDE (e.g. Pycharm) to implement your assignment in .py file. Please run:
bash python helpers/ submission
You will get autogenerated submission/ file where you can write your code. However, make sure you have gone through the instructions in the notebook.ipynb at least once.

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