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CS6515 HW2 DC1 Solution

Problem 1
An infinite array A[.] in which the first n entries contain different integers in sorted order and the rest are filled with Input: Integer x Find:
A position in the array containing x, if such position exists Solution:
Since it is sorted array, we can use a binary search. The issue is we need to find the bounds and apply the algorithm.
1. Let low be the 1st element of the array, high be the 2nd element of array, compare x to high
2. If x is greater than A[high], copy index of high to low, and double the high index
3. If x if smaller than A[high], use binary search between A[low] and A[high]
4. Binary search: compare the mid element of A[low] and A[high] (A[mid]) with x
5. If A[mid] > x, ignore the upper half of the array. Search among A[low] to A[mid]
6. If A[mid] < x, ignore the lower half of the array. Only search A[mid] to A[high]

The size of the binary search problem is an array of size n, because worst case: index high < 2n, index low < n.
T(n) = T(n/2) +O(1), using the master theorem: a = 1, b =2, f(n) = 1. n^logb(a) = n^0 = 1 = f(n).
T(n) = O(n^logb(a) * log n ) = log n

Why correct:
Since the array is sorted, The idea of the algorithm is to find a interval such that A[low] < x < A[high]. Then apply binary search between A[Low] and A[high]. Then if x exists it has to be inside this interval.

Problem 2
A sorted array of n distinct integers A = {a(1), a(2), … , a(n)} Find:
If exists index i such that a(i) = i Solution:
To find if exists index I such that a(i) = I, using an algorithm that is similar to binary search:
1. Compare the mid element of the whole array: a(n/2) to n/2
2. If a(n/2) == n/2, then we got the solution, return yes
3. If a(n/2) < n/2, we narrow the search to the upper half of the array: {a(n/2 + 1), … ,a(n)}.
4. If a(n/2) > n/2, only search to the lower half of the array: {a(1), …, a(n/2-1)}
5. Repeatedly check using the recursive call, until we find the value or the interval is empty.
Since the recurrence is T(n) = T(n/2) + O(1), using the master theorem: a = 1, b =2, f(n) = 1.
n^logb(a) = n^0 = 1 = f(n). T(n) = O(n^logb(a) * log n ) = log n

Why correct:
Since a(1), a(2), … , a(n) are sorted distinct integers, so for i = 1 ->n, j = i -> n, a(i) < a(j). if we compare i with a(i), if i < a(i), then we can get rid of the upper half, as: i + n < a(i) + n < a(i + n).
for i > a(i), we have similar statement so we can get rid of the lower half. By doing this we narrow down the search interval.

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