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CS6476 Final Project: Classification and Detection with Solution

Convolutional Neural Networks

Sample Dataset:
Related Lectures (not exhaustive): 8A-8C, 9A-9B
Problem Overview
Methods to be used: Implement a Convolutional Neural Network-based method that is capable of detecting and recognizing any sequence of digits visible in an image.

- Don’t use external libraries for core functionality
- However, you will receive a low score if the main functionality of your code is provided via an external library.
- Don’t copy code from the internet
- Don’t use pre-trained machine learning pipelines
If you choose a topic that requires the use of machine learning techniques, you are expected to do your own training. Downloading and submitting a pre-trained models that does all the work is not acceptable for this assignment. For the section on reusing pre-trained weights you expected to use a network trained for another classification task and re-train it for this one.
- Don’t rely on a single source
We want to see that you performed research on your chosen topic and incorporated ideas from multiple sources in your final results. Your project must not be based on a single research paper and definitely must not be based on a single online tutorial.

Please do not use absolute paths in your submission code. All paths must be relative to the submission directory. Any submissions with absolute paths are in danger of receiving a penalty!
Programming Instructions
Write-up instructions
The report must be a PDF of 3-6 pages including images and references. Not following this requirement will incur in a significant penalty and the content will be graded up to page 6. Note that the report will be graded subject to a working code.

The report must contain:
1) A clear and concise description of the algorithms you implemented. This description must include references to recently published computer vision research and show a deep understanding of your chosen topic.
2) Results from applying your algorithm to images or video. Both positive and negative results must be shown in the report and you must explain why your algorithm works on some images, but not others.
3) Performance statistics obtained by applying your algorithm to a public imagery or video database. You are expected to determine appropriate quantitative performance metrics based on your own research.
1) A technical discussion of how your results compare to the state of the art and how your results could be improved.

You report must be written to show off your work and demonstrate a deep understanding or your chosen topic. The discussion in your report must be technical and quantitative wherever possible.
How to submit
Similar to the class assignments, you will submit the code and the report to Gradescope (note: there will be no autograder part).Find the appropriate project and make your submission into the correct project.
Important: Submissions sent to Email, Piazza or anything that is not Gradescope will not be graded.
The report will be graded following the scheme below:
⚫ Code (20%): We will verify that the methods and rules indicated above have been followed.
⚫ Report (80%): Subject to a working code.
 Description of existing methods published in recent computer vision research. (10)
 Description of the method you implemented. (20)
 Results obtained from applying your algorithms to images or videos. (10)
 Analysis on why your method works on some images and not on others. (10)
 Performance statistics analysis. (10)
 Discussion on how your results compare to the state of the art methods. (10)
 Proposals on how your methods can be improved. (5)
 References and citations.(5)
Assignment Overview
This project requires you to research how Convolutional Neural Networks work and their application to number detection and recognition. This is not to be a replica of a tutorial found online. Keep in mind this content is not widely covered in this course lectures and resources. The main objective of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of how these tools work. We allow you to use a very powerful training framework that helps you to avoid many of the time-consuming implementation details because the emphasis of this project will be on the robustness of your implementation and in-depth understanding of the tools you are using.
1 Installation and Compatibility

2 Classifier Requirements
Your classification pipeline must be robust in the following ways:
1. Scale Invariance:
The scale of the sequence of numbers in an image in vary.
2. Location Invariance:
3. Font Invariance:
You are expected to detect numbers despite their fonts.
4. Pose Invariance:
The sequence of numbers can be at any angle with respect to the frame of the image.
5. Lighting Invariance:
We expect robustness to the lighting conditions in which the image was taken.
6. Noise Invariance:
Make sure that your pipeline is able to handle gaussian noise in the image.
3 Pipeline Overview
The final pipeline should incorporate the following preprocessing and classification components. We expect you to clearly explain in your report what you did at each stage and why.
3.1 Preprocessing
Your pipeline should start from receiving an image like this:

Notice that this is not the type of image your classification network trained on. You will have to do some preprocessing to correctly detect the number sequence in this image.In the preprocessing stage your algorithm should take as input an image like the one above and return region of interest. Those ROI will be regions in the image wherethere is a digit. In order to perform this preprocessing step you will need to use the MSER algorithm (see Note: The region proposal stage has to be separated from the classification stage. For this project we will use MSER to detect the ROI. This means that one-stage approaches (detection + classification) such as YOLO are not allowed. NOTE: A single stage method can be trained for extra credits of 5 points.
3.1.1 Noise Management
We expect to see you handle gaussian noise and varying lighting conditions in the image. Please explain what you do in order to handle these types of perturbations and still have your classifier work.
3.1.2 Location Invariance
Since you don’t know where the numbers will appear on the image you will have to search for them using a sliding window method.
3.1.3 Scale Invariance
Make sure to implement an image pyramid with non-maxima suppression to detect numbers at any scale.
3.1.4 Performance Considerations
Running your full classifier through a sliding window can be very expensive. Did you do anything to mitigate forward pass runtime?
3.2 Classification
This section is concerned with the implementation of a number classifier based on the sample dataset.
3.2.1 Model Variation
There are several approaches to implementing a classifier and we want you get exposure to all of them:
1. Make your own architecture and train it from scratch.
( (without pre-trained weights)
2. Use a VGG 16 implementation and train it from scratch.
3. Use a VGG 16 implementation and train it with pre-trained weights. Make sure you mention in your report what changes you made to the VGG16 model in order to use it for your particular classification task. What weights did you reuse and why? Did you train over the pre-trained weights?
3.2.2 Training Variation
We want you to have some familiarity with stochastic gradient descent. For this reason we want you to explain your choice of loss function during training. We also want an explanation for your choice of batch size and learning rate. In the report we expect a definition of these parameters and an explanation of why you chose the numbers you did. We also want to see how you decided to stop the training procedure.
3.2.3 Evaluating Performance
In order to evaluate the performance of your learning model we expect you to include training curves with validation, training and test set errors. When you compare the performance of each model we also want you include tables with the test set performance of the each model. We want to see a discussion of your performance in each of the models outlined above and we want to see empirical data demonstrating which is better. Your final pipeline should use the model and training that empirically demonstrates better performance. 4 Final Results
4.1 Videos Results
We want to see a video where your pipeline correctly classifies and draws a bounding box over the numbers it detects. We want to see readable numbers on the image next to bounding box for the detection.

In this videos we expect to see your classifier work robustly as:
1. The camera zooms in and out of the numbers
2. The camera rotates
3. The location of the numbers in the field of view changes
4.2 Image Classification Results
1. Correct classification at different scales
2. Correct classification at different orientations
3. Correct classification at different locations within the image.
4. Correct classification with different lighting conditions.

Notice, that since we allow you to pick the images, we expect good results.

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