Your tasks are the following.
1. Implement the algorithms following the instruction.
2. Run experiments and produce results.
import numpy as np import sys
np.random.seed(4) # for reproducibility
In [ ]:
Examples for testing
The following block contains two examples used to test your code. You can create more for debugging, but please add it to a different block.
# a small MDP states = [0, 1, 2]
actions = [0, 1] # 0 : stay, 1 : jump
jump_probabilities = np.matrix([[0.1, 0.2, 0.7], [0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.6, 0.4, 0]]) for i in range(len(states)):
jump_probabilities[i, :] /= jump_probabilities[i, :].sum()
rewards_stay = np.array([0, 8, 5]) rewards_jump = np.matrix([[-5, 5, 7], [2, -4, 0],
[-3, 3, -3]])
T = np.zeros((len(states), len(actions), len(states))) R = np.zeros((len(states), len(actions), len(states))) for s in states:
T[s, 0, s], R[s, 0, s] = 1, rewards_stay[s]
T[s, 1, :], R[s, 1, :] = jump_probabilities[s, :], rewards_jump[s, :]
example_1 = (states, actions, T, R)
# a larger MDP
states = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] actions = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
T = np.zeros((len(states), len(actions), len(states))) R = np.zeros((len(states), len(actions), len(states))) for a in actions:
T[:, a, :] = np.random.uniform(0, 10, (len(states), len(states))) for s in states:
T[s, a, :] /= T[s, a, :].sum()
R[:, a, :] = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, (len(states), len(states)))
example_2 = (states, actions, T, R)
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Value iteration
Implement value iteration by finishing the following function, and then run the cell.
def value_iteration(states, actions, T, R, gamma = 0.1, tolerance = 1e-2, max_steps = 100):
In [ ]:
Vs = [] # all state values
Vs.append(np.zeros(len(states))) # initial state values steps, convergent = 0, False
Q_values = np.zeros((len(states),len(actions))) while not convergent:
# TO DO: compute state values, and append it to the list Vs
# V_(k+1) = max_a sum_(next state s') T[s,a,s'] * (R[s,a,s'] + gamma * V-k(s))
V_next = np.zeros(len(states))
for s in states:
V_next[s] = -sys.maxsize for a in actions: Q_value = 0 for s_ in states:
Q_value += T[s,a,s_] * (R[s,a,s_] + gamma * Vs[-1][s])
V_next[s] = max(V_next[s],Q_value)
Q_values[s,a] = Q_value
############################ End of your code ########################## steps += 1
convergent = np.linalg.norm(Vs[-1] - Vs[-2]) < tolerance or steps >= max_steps ########################################################################
# TO DO: extract policy and name it "policy" to return
# Vs should be optimal
# the corresponding policy should also be the optimal one policy = np.argmax(Q_values,axis=1)
############################ End of your code ########################## return Vs, policy, steps
print("Example MDP 1")
states, actions, T, R = example_1
gamma, tolerance, max_steps = 0.1, 1e-2, 100
Vs, policy, steps = value_iteration(states, actions, T, R, gamma, tolerance, max_steps) for i in range(steps):
print("Step " + str(i))
print("state values: " + str(Vs[i])) print()
print("Optimal policy: " + str(policy)) print() print()
print("Example MDP 2")
states, actions, T, R = example_2
gamma, tolerance, max_steps = 0.1, 1e-2, 100
Vs, policy, steps = value_iteration(states, actions, T, R, gamma, tolerance, max_steps) for i in range(steps):
print("Step " + str(i))
print("state values: " + str(Vs[i])) print()
print("Optimal policy: " + str(policy))
Example MDP 1 Step 0 state values: [0. 0. 0.]
Step 1 state values: [5.4 8. 5. ]
Step 2 state values: [5.94 8.8 5.5 ]
Step 3 state values: [5.994 8.88 5.55 ]
Step 4 state values: [5.9994 8.888 5.555 ]
Optimal policy: [1 0 0]
Example MDP 2 Step 0 state values: [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
Step 1
state values: [2.23688505 2.67355205 2.18175138 4.3596377 3.41342719 2.97145478
2.60531101 4.61040891]
Step 2
state values: [2.46057355 2.94090725 2.39992652 4.79560147 3.75476991 3.26860026
2.86584211 5.0714498 ]
Step 3
state values: [2.4829424 2.96764277 2.42174403 4.83919785 3.78890418 3.2983148
2.89189522 5.11755389]
Optimal policy: [0 2 0 3 3 3 2 3]
Policy iteration
Implement policy iteration by finishing the following function, and then run the cell.
def policy_iteration(states, actions, T, R, gamma = 0.1, tolerance = 1e-2, max_steps = 100): policy_list = [] # all policies explored
initial_policy = np.array([np.random.choice(actions) for s in states]) # random policy policy_list.append(initial_policy)
Vs = [] # all state values
Vs = [np.zeros(len(states))] # initial state values steps, convergent = 0, False while not convergent:
# TO DO:
# 1. Evaluate the current policy, and append the state values to the list Vs
# V[policy_i][k+1][s] = sum_(s_) T[s,policy_i[s],s_] * ( R[s,policy_i[s],s_ + gamma * V[policy_i][k][s_] )
V_next = np.zeros(len(states for s in states:
tmp = 0 for s_ in states: tmp += T[s,policy_list[-1][s],s_] * ( R[s,policy_list[-1][s],s_] + gamma * Vs[-1][s_] )
V_next[s] = tmp
# 2. Extract the new policy, and append the new policy to the list policy_list
# policy_list[i+1][s] = argmax_(a) sum_(s_) T[s,a,s_] * ( R[s,a,s_] + gamma * Vs[s_] ) policy_new = np.array([np.random.choice(actions) for s in states]) for s in states:
new_tmp = np.zeros((len(actions))) for a in actions:
sum = 0 for s_ in states: sum += T[s,a,s_] * ( R[s,a,s_] + gamma * Vs[-1][s_] ) new_tmp[a] = sum
policy_new[s] = np.argmax(new_tmp) policy_list.append(policy_new)
############################ End of your code ########################## steps += 1
convergent = (policy_list[-1] == policy_list[-2]).all() or steps >= max_steps return Vs, policy_list, steps
print("Example MDP 1")
In [ ]:
states, actions, T, R = example_1
gamma, tolerance, max_steps = 0.1, 1e-2, 100
Vs, policy_list, steps = policy_iteration(states, actions, T, R, gamma, tolerance, max_steps) for i in range(steps):
print("Step " + str(i))
print("state values: " + str(Vs[i])) print("policy: " + str(policy_list[i])) print() print()
print("Example MDP 2")
states, actions, T, R = example_2
gamma, tolerance, max_steps = 0.1, 1e-2, 100
Vs, policy_list, steps = policy_iteration(states, actions, T, R, gamma, tolerance, max_steps) for i in range(steps):
print("Step " + str(i))
print("state values: " + str(Vs[i])) print("policy: " + str(policy_list[i])) print()
Example MDP 1 Step 0 state values: [0. 0. 0.] policy: [0 1 1]
Step 1
state values: [ 0. 1. -0.6] policy: [1 0 0]
Example MDP 2 Step 0
state values: [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] policy: [3 2 1 4 3 3 4 0]
Step 1
state values: [ 1.79546043 2.67355205 -0.08665637 -4.92536024 3.41342719 2.97145478
-1.69624246 2.48967841] policy: [0 2 0 3 3 3 2 3]
More testing
The following block tests both of your implementations. Simply run the cell.
steps_list_vi, steps_list_pi = [], [] for i in range(20):
states = [j for j in range(np.random.randint(5, 30))]
actions = [j for j in range(np.random.randint(2, states[-1]))]
T = np.zeros((len(states), len(actions), len(states))) R = np.zeros((len(states), len(actions), len(states))) for a in actions:
T[:, a, :] = np.random.uniform(0, 10, (len(states), len(states))) for s in states:
T[s, a, :] /= T[s, a, :].sum()
R[:, a, :] = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, (len(states), len(states)))
Vs, policy, steps_v = value_iteration(states, actions, T, R) Vs, policy_list, steps_p = policy_iteration(states, actions, T, R) steps_list_vi.append(steps_v) steps_list_pi.append(steps_p)
print("Numbers of steps in value iteration: " + str(steps_list_vi)) print("Numbers of steps in policy iteration: " + str(steps_list_pi))
In [ ]:
Numbers of steps in value iteration: [4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5]
Numbers of steps in policy iteration: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3,