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CS6340 Assignment 2 Solution

language modeling program should accept the following command-line arguments:
langmodels <training file> -test <test file>
For example, if you use Python then we should be able to run your program like this:
python3 train.txt -test test.txt
If you use Java, you should invoke Java similarly and be sure to accept the same arguments on the command-line in the same order.
Given these arguments, your program should create language models from the training file and apply the language models to the sentences in the test file, as described below.

Input Files
The training file will consist of sentences, one sentence per line. For example, a training file might look like this:
I love natural language processing . This assignment looks like fun !
You should divide each sentence into unigrams based solely on white space. Note that this can produce isolated punctuation marks (when white space separates a punctuation mark from adjacent words) as well as words with punctuation symbols that are still attached (when white space does not separate a punctuation mark from an adjacent word). For example, consider the following sentence:
“This is a funny-looking sentence” , she said !
This sentence should be divided into exactly nine unigrams:
(1) “This (2) is (3) a (4) funny-looking (5) sentence” (6) , (7) she (8) said (9) !
The test file will have exactly the same format as the training file and it should be divided into unigrams exactly the same way.

Building the Language Models
To create the language models, you will need to generate tables of frequency counts from the training corpus for unigrams (1-grams) and bigrams (2-grams). An N-gram should not cross sentence boundaries. All of your N-gram tables should be case-insensitive (i.e., “the”, “The”, and “THE” should be treated as the same word).
You should create three different types of language models:
(a) A unigram language model with no smoothing.
(b) A bigram language model with no smoothing.
(c) A bigram language model with add-one smoothing.
You can assume that the set of unigrams found in the training corpus is the entire universe of unigrams. We will not give you test sentences that contain unseen unigrams. So the vocabulary V for this assignment is the set of all unique unigrams that occur in the training corpus, including punctuation marks.
For bigrams, you will need to have a special pseudo-word called “phi” (φ) as a beginningof-sentence symbol. Bigrams of the form “φ wi” mean that word wi occurs at the beginning of the sentence. Do NOT include φ as a word in your vocabulary for the unigram language model or include φ in the sentence probability for the unigram model.
For simplicity, just use the unigram frequency count of wk−1 to compute the conditional probability Pr(wk|wk−1). (This means you won’t have to worry about cases where wk−1 occurs at the end of the sentence and isn’t followed by anything.) For example, just compute Pr(wk|wk−1) = Freq(wk−1wk)/ Freq(wk−1).
You should NOT use an end-of-sentence symbol. The last bigram for a sentence of length k should represent the last 2 words of the sentence: “wk−1 wk”.

Computing Sentence Probabilities
For each of the language models, you should create a function that computes the probability of a sentence P(w1...wn) using that language model. Since the probabilities will get very small, you must do the probability computations in log space (as discussed in class, also see the lecture slides). Please do these calculations using log base 2. If your programming language uses a different log base, then you can use the formula on the lecture slides to convert between log bases.

Output Specifications
Your program should print the following information to standard output for each test sentence. When printing the logprob numbers, please print exactly 4 digits after the decimal point. For example, print -8.9753864210 as -8.9754. The programming language will have a mechanism for controlling the number of digits that are printed. If P(S) = 0, then the logarithm is not defined, so print “logprob(S) = undefined”. Be sure to use a function that rounds, not truncates. For example, 1.33337 should be rounded to 1.3334 . IMPORTANT: only do the rounding as the last step in your calculations, just before printing. Do not round numbers during intermediate calculations or your final results will not be fully accurate.
Please print the following information, formatted exactly like this:

S = <sentence>
Unsmoothed Unigrams, logprob(S) = #
Unsmoothed Bigrams, logprob(S) = #
Smoothed Bigrams, logprob(S) = #
For example, your output might look like this (the example below is not real, it is just for illustration!):
S = Elvis has left the building .
Unsmoothed Unigrams, logprob(S) = -9.9712
Unsmoothed Bigrams, logprob(S) = undefined
Smoothed Bigrams, logprob(S) = -10.4819

We will run your program on the sample files that we give you as well as new files to evaluate the generality and correctness of your code. So please test your program thoroughly! Even if your program works perfectly on the examples that we give you, this does not guarantee that it will work perfectly on different test cases.
Please use the sample files to make sure that your program conforms exactly to the input and output specifications, or a penalty will be deducted! Programs that do not conform to the specifications are a lot more difficult for us to grade.
FOR CS-6340 STUDENTS ONLY! (20 additional points)
CS-6340 students should create an additional function that can automatically generate sentences using the unsmoothed bigram language model. Your program should also accept an alternative command-line option “-gen” followed by a seeds file, which will contain a list of words to begin the language generation process, following this format:
langmodels <training file> -gen <seeds file>
For example, if you use Python then we should be able to run your program like this:
python3 train.txt -gen seeds.txt
If you use Java, you should invoke Java similarly and be sure to accept the same arguments on the command-line in the same order.
When given this “-gen” option, your program should perform the language generation process described below. The training file will have the same format described earlier. The seeds file will have one word per line, and each word should be used to start the language generation process.
Creating a Language Generator
Your language generator should use the unsmoothed bigram language model to produce new sentences! Given a seed word, the language generation algorithm is:
1. Find all bigrams that begin with the seed word - let’s call this set Bseed. Probabilistically select one of the bigrams in Bseed with a likelihood proportional to its probability.
For example, suppose “crazy” is the seed and exactly two bigrams begin with “crazy”:
“crazy people” (frequency=10) and “crazy horse” (frequency=15).
Consequently, = .40 and
There should be a 40% chance that your program selects the word “people” and a 60% chance that it selects the word “horse”.
An easy way to do this is to generate a random number x between [0,1]. Then establish ranges based on the bigram probabilities. For example, if 0 ≤ x ≤ .40 then your program selects “people”, but if .40 < x ≤ 1 then your program selects “horse”.
2. Let’s call the selected bigram B0 = w0 w1 (where w0 is the seed). Generate w1 as the next word in your new sentence.
3. Return to Step 1 using w1 as the new seed word.
Your program should stop generating words when one of the following conditions exists:
• your program generates one of these words: . ? !
• your program generates 10 words (NOT including the original seed word)
• Bseed is empty (i.e., there are no bigrams that begin with the seed word).
IMPORTANT: For each seed word, your language generator should generate 10 sentences that begin with that word. Since each sentence is generated probabilistically, the sentences will (usually) be different from each other.

Output Specifications
Your program should print each seed word followed by a blank line and then the 10 sentences generated from that seed word. You should format your output like this:
Seed = <seed>
Sentence 1: <sentence>
Sentence 2: <sentence>
Sentence 3: <sentence>
Sentence 4: <sentence>
Sentence 5: <sentence>
Sentence 6: <sentence>
Sentence 7: <sentence> Sentence 8: <sentence> Sentence 9: <sentence>
Sentence 10: <sentence>
For example, your output might look like this:
Seed = Elvis
Sentence 1: Elvis has gone fishing for french fries .
Sentence 2: Elvis has left McDonald’s !
Sentence 3: Elvis sings to eat peanut butter sandwiches ?
Sentence 4: Elvis has sandwiches and left the building .
Sentence 5: Elvis is alive and this sentence has exactly ten new words Sentence 6: Elvis sings a lot .
Sentence 7: Elvis is buried at Graceland and likes peanut butter .
Sentence 8: Elvis has left and lived in Mississippi .
Sentence 9: Elvis sang rock and roll and sings ?
Sentence 10: Elvis has left !

We will run your program on the files that we give you as well as new files to evaluate the generality and correctness of your code. So please test your program thoroughly! Even if your program works perfectly on the examples that we give you, this does not guarantee that it will work perfectly on different test cases.
Please make sure that your program conforms exactly to the input and output specifications,

or a penalty will be deducted! Programs that do not conform to the specifications are a lot more difficult for us to grade.

(a.k.a. “What to turn in and how to do it”)
Please use CANVAS to submit a gzipped tar file named “langmodels.tar.gz”. (This is an archived file in “tar” format and then compressed with gzip. Instructions appear on the next page if you’re not familiar with tar files.) Your tar file should contain the following 3 items:
1. The source code for your program. Be sure to include all files that are needed to compile and run your program!
2. A README.txt file that includes the following information:
(a) what programming language and version you used (e.g., python3).
(b) instructions on how to compile and run your code
(c) which CADE machine you tested your program on
(d) any known bugs, problems, or limitations of your program
REMINDER: your program must compile and run on the linux-based CADE machines! We will not grade programs that cannot be run on these CADE machines.
3. CS-5340 and CS-6340 students: submit an output file called langmodels-output.txt that shows the output of your language model program when applied to the sample training and test files.
CS-6340 students: submit an additional output file called langmodels-gen.txt that shows the output of your program when generating new sentences using the sample training and seed word files.
The sample training, test, and seed word files are available in the Program #2 folder on CANVAS.
TAR FILES: First, put all of the files that you want to submit in a directory called “langmodels”. Then from the parent directory where the “langmodels” folder resides, issue the following command:
tar cvfz langmodels.tar.gz langmodels/
This will put everything that is inside the “langmodels/” directory into a single file called “langmodels.tar.gz”. This file will be “archived” to preserve structure (e.g., subdirectories) inside the “langmodels/” directory and then compressed with “gzip”.
FYI, to unpack the gzipped tar fule, move the langmodels.tar.gz to a new location and issue the command:
tar xvfz langmodels.tar.gz
This will create a new directory called “langmodels” and restore the original structure and contents.
OUTPUT FILES: You can generate your output files in (at least) 2 different ways: (1) print your program’s output to standard output and then pipe it to a file (e.g., python3 training.txt -test test.txt > langmodels-output.txt, or (2) print your output to standard output and use the unix script command before running your program on the test files. The sequence of commands to use is:
script langmodels-output.txt python3 training.txt -test test.txt exit
This will save everything that is printed to standard output during the session to a file called langmodels-output.txt.

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