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CS61A Lab 6- Object-Oriented Programming Solution

Starter Files
Download Inside the archive, you will find starter files for the questions in this lab, along with a copy of the Ok autograder.
Consult this section if you need a refresher on the material for this lab. It's okay to skip directly to the questions and refer back here should you get stuck.
Object-Oriented Programming
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a style of programming that allows you to think of code in terms of "objects." Here's an example of a Car class:
```py class Car: num_wheels = 4
def __init__(self, color):
self.wheels = Car.num_wheels self.color = color
def drive(self): if self.wheels <= Car.num_wheels:
return self.color + ' car cannot drive!' return self.color + ' car goes vroom!'
def pop_tire(self): if self.wheels > 0: self.wheels -= 1
Here's some terminology:
class: a blueprint for how to build a certain type of object. The Car class (shown above) describes the behavior and data that all Car objects have. instance: a particular occurrence of a class. In Python, we create instances of a class like this: ```py
my_car = Car('red') ```
my_car is an instance of the Car class. - data attributes: a variable that belongs to the instance (also called instance variables). Think of a data attribute as a quality of the object: cars have wheels and color, so we have given our Car instance self.wheels and self.color attributes. We can access attributes using dot notation: ```py
my_car.color 'red' my_car.wheels 4 `` - **method:** Methods are just like normal functions, except that they are bound to an instance. Think of a method as a "verb" of the class: cars can drive and also *pop their tires*, so we have given ourCarinstance the methodsdriveandpop_tire`. We call methods using dot notation:
my_car = Car('red') 'red car goes vroom!' `` - **constructor:**
Constructors build an instance of the class. The constructor for car objects isCar(color). When Python calls that constructor, it immediately calls theinit` method. That's where we initialize the data attributes:
py def __init__(self, color): self.wheels = Car.num_wheels self.color = color
The constructor takes in one argument, color. As you can see, this constructor also creates the self.wheels and self.color attributes.
self: in Python, self is the first parameter for many methods (in this class, we will only use methods whose first parameter is self). When a method is called, self is bound to an instance of the class. For example:
my_car = Car('red') ```
Notice that the drive method takes in self as an argument, but it looks like we didn't pass one in! This is because the dot notation implicitly passes in car as self for us.
Python classes can implement a useful abstraction technique known as inheritance. To illustrate this concept, consider the following Dog and Cat classes.
```py class Dog(): def init(self, name, owner): self.is_alive = True = name self.owner = owner def eat(self, thing): print( + " ate a " + str(thing) + "!") def talk(self): print( + " says woof!")
class Cat(): def init(self, name, owner, lives=9): self.is_alive = True = name self.owner = owner self.lives = lives def eat(self, thing): print( + " ate a " + str(thing) + "!") def talk(self): print( + " says meow!") ```
Notice that because dogs and cats share a lot of similar qualities, there is a lot of repeated code! To avoid redefining attributes and methods for similar classes, we can write a single base class from which the similar classes inherit. For example, we can write a class called Pet and redefine Dog as a subclass of Pet:
```py class Pet(): def init(self, name, owner): self.is_alive = True # It's alive!!! = name self.owner = owner def eat(self, thing): print( + " ate a " + str(thing) + "!") def talk(self): print( class Dog(Pet): def talk(self): print( + ' says woof!') ```
Inheritance represents a hierarchical relationship between two or more classes where one class is a (no relation to the Python is operator) more specific version of the other, e.g. a dog is a pet. Because Dog inherits from Pet, we didn't have to redefine __init__ or eat. However, since we want Dog to talk in a way that is unique to dogs, we did override the talk method.
We can use the super() function to refer to a class's superclass. For example, calling super() within the class definition of Dog allows us to access the same object but as if it were an instance of its superclass, in this case Pet. This is a little bit of a simplification, and if you're interested you can read more at
Here's an example of an alternate equivalent definition of Dog that uses super() to explicitly call the __init__ method of the parent class:
py class Dog(Pet): def __init__(self, name, owner): super().__init__(name, owner) # this is equivalent to calling Pet.__init__(self, name, owner) def talk(self): print( + ' says woof!')
Keep in mind that creating the __init__ function shown above is actually not necessary, because creating a Dog instance will automatically call the __init__ method of Pet. Normally when defining an __init__ method in a subclass, we take some additional action to calling super().__init__. For example, we could add a new instance variable like the following:
py def __init__(self, name, owner, has_floppy_ears): super().__init__(name, owner) self.has_floppy_ears = has_floppy_ears
Required Questions
What Would Python Do?
These questions use inheritance. For an overview of inheritance, see the inheritance portion of Composing Programs.
Q1: WWPD: Classy Cars
Below is the definition of a Car class that we will be using in the following WWPD questions.
Note: The Car class definition can also be found in
```py class Car: num_wheels = 4 gas = 30 headlights = 2 size = 'Tiny'
def __init__(self, make, model):
self.make = make self.model = model
self.color = 'No color yet. You need to paint me.' self.wheels = Car.num_wheels self.gas = Car.gas def paint(self, color):
self.color = color return self.make + ' ' + self.model + ' is now ' + color
def drive(self): if self.wheels < Car.num_wheels or self.gas <= 0: return 'Cannot drive!' self.gas -= 10 return self.make + ' ' + self.model + ' goes vroom!'
def pop_tire(self): if self.wheels > 0: self.wheels -= 1
def fill_gas(self): self.gas += 20 return 'Gas level: ' + str(self.gas)
For the later unlocking questions, we will be referencing the MonsterTruck class below.
Note: The MonsterTruck class definition can also be found in
```py class MonsterTruck(Car): size = 'Monster'
def rev(self):
print('Vroom! This Monster Truck is huge!')
def drive(self): self.rev() return super().drive()
You can find the unlocking questions below.
Use Ok to test your knowledge with the following "What Would Python Display?" questions:
python3 ok -q wwpd-car -u
Important: For all WWPD questions, type Function if you believe the answer is <function...>, Error if it errors, and Nothing if nothing is displayed.
deneros_car = Car('Tesla', 'Model S') deneros_car.model

deneros_car.gas = 10




``` ```py
deneros_car = Car('Tesla', 'Model S') deneros_car.wheels = 2 deneros_car.wheels


``` ```py
deneros_car = MonsterTruck('Monster', 'Batmobile')


Parsons Problems
To work on these problems, open the Parsons editor:
python3 parsons
Q2: Cool Cats
The Cat class models a cat: you can find the implementation below. Now, you will implement NoisyCat; NoisyCats are very similar to Cats, but talks twice as much. However, in exchange for such great powers, it gives up one of its initial lives.
Use superclass methods wherever possible.
```py class Cat: def init(self, name, owner, lives=9): self.is_alive = True = name self.owner = owner self.lives = lives
def talk(self): return + ' says meow!'
class NoisyCat(Cat): """ >>> my_cat = NoisyCat("Furball", "James") >>> 'Furball' >>> my_cat.is_alive True >>> my_cat.lives 8 >>> 'Furball says meow! Furball says meow!' >>> friend_cat = NoisyCat("Tabby", "James", 2) >>> 'Tabby says meow! Tabby says meow!' >>> friend_cat.lives 1 """ def init(self, name, owner, lives=9): " YOUR CODE HERE "
def talk(self):
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
Coding Practice
Q3: Cat Adoption
So far, you've implemented the NoisyCat based off of the Cat class. However, you now want to be able to create lots of different Cats!
Build on the Cat class from the earlier problem by adding a class method called adopt_a_cat. This class method allows you to create Cats that can then be adopted.
Specifically, adopt_a_cat should return a new instance of a Cat whose owner is owner.
This Cat instance's name and number of lives depends on the owner. Its name should be chosen from cat_names (provided in the skeleton code), and should correspond to the name at the index len(owner) % (modulo) the number of possible cat names. Its number of lives should be equal to len(owner) + the length of the chosen name.
```py class Cat: def init(self, name, owner, lives=9): self.is_alive = True = name self.owner = owner self.lives = lives
def talk(self):
return + ' says meow!'
@classmethod def adopt_a_cat(cls, owner):
Returns a new instance of a Cat.
This instance's owner is the given owner.
Its name and its number of lives is chosen programatically based on the spec's noted behavior.
>>> cat1 = Cat.adopt_a_cat("Ifeoma")
>>> isinstance(cat1, Cat)
>>> cat1.owner
>>> cat1.lives
>>> cat2 = Cat.adopt_a_cat("Ay")
>>> cat2.owner
>>> cat2.lives
8 """
cat_names = ["Felix", "Bugs", "Grumpy"]
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" return cls(____, ____, ____)
Use Ok to test your code:
python3 ok -q Cat.adopt_a_cat
Let's say we'd like to model a bank account that can handle interactions such as depositing funds or gaining interest on current funds. In the following questions, we will be building off of the Account class. Here's our current definition of the class:
```py class Account: """An account has a balance and a holder. >>> a = Account('John') >>> a.deposit(10) 10 >>> a.balance 10 >>> a.interest
0.02 >>> a.time_to_retire(10.25) # 10 -> 10.2 -> 10.404 2 >>> a.balance # balance should not change 10 >>> a.time_to_retire(11) # 10 -> 10.2 -> ... -> 11.040808032 5 >>> a.time_to_retire(100) 117 """ max_withdrawal = 10 interest = 0.02
def __init__(self, account_holder): self.balance = 0 self.holder = account_holder
def deposit(self, amount): self.balance = self.balance + amount return self.balance
def withdraw(self, amount): if amount > self.balance:
return "Insufficient funds" if amount > self.max_withdrawal:
return "Can't withdraw that amount" self.balance = self.balance - amount return self.balance
Q4: Retirement
Add a time_to_retire method to the Account class. This method takes in an amount and returns how many years the holder would need to wait in order for the current balance to grow to at least amount, assuming that the bank adds balance times the interest rate to the total balance at the end of every year.
py def time_to_retire(self, amount): """Return the number of years until balance would grow to amount.""" assert self.balance > 0 and amount > 0 and self.interest > 0 "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
Use Ok to test your code:
python3 ok -q Account
Q5: FreeChecking
Hint: Don't forget that FreeChecking inherits from Account! Check the Inheritance section in Topics for a refresher.
```py class FreeChecking(Account): """A bank account that charges for withdrawals, but the first two are free! >>> ch = FreeChecking('Jack')
>>> ch.balance = 20 >>> ch.withdraw(100) # First one's free 'Insufficient funds' >>> ch.withdraw(3) # And the second 17 >>> ch.balance 17
>>> ch.withdraw(3) # Ok, two free withdrawals is enough 13 >>> ch.withdraw(3) 9 >>> ch2 = FreeChecking('John') >>> ch2.balance = 10 >>> ch2.withdraw(3) # No fee 7 >>> ch.withdraw(3) # ch still charges a fee 5 >>> ch.withdraw(5) # Not enough to cover fee + withdraw 'Insufficient funds' """ withdraw_fee = 1 free_withdrawals = 2
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
Use Ok to test your code:
python3 ok -q FreeChecking
Make sure to submit this assignment by running:
python3 ok --submit

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