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CS6035 Project 1 - Part 2 : Solution

Stack Buffer Exploit
Learning Goals of this Project:
● Execute a stack buffer overflow exploit
● How stack buffer overflows work
● How stack registers are manipulated during program execution The final deliverables:
You will submit <canvas username>_data.txt in 2 places.
1. Project 1 - Part 2 - Autograder on Gradescope.
2. Project 1 - Part 2 - Stack Overflow Exploit on Canvas.
The submission name format is <canvas username>_data.txt for example:
ctaylor308_data.txt or jlohse3_data.txt, be sure to use your login and not your 9-digit Student ID.
*** If you do not submit to both (Canvas and Gradescope), you will receive a 0.
This is non-negotiable and will be enforced heavily. ***
Tools Needed :
● Use the latest version of VirtualBox (any 6.x.x version!)
● If you are using an M1 based Mac, you will need to follow the document showing how to use Azure Cloud VM Instructions
● Download the VM OVA cs6035_project1_vm.ova from the following link:
○ VM Download ○ SHA256 Checksum:
20dbc08724bef87999891b0998f9934e65addc1b511866498155efddf8dee83b ● VM Tutorial/Overview:
○ If you don’t know how to use virtualbox or want to see what a successful exploit looks like in a live video, watch this link below
○ CS6035 Project 1 VM Walkthrough
● GDB Tutorials
○ Here is an in-depth video showing some common usage for GDB in a live program ■ CS6035 Project 1 GDB Tutorial
○ Text based: Intro GDB (pwndbg) Tutorial
○ GDB command cheat sheet
NOTE: Using an old VM from earlier semesters is not permitted and WILL result in a 100% penalty.
If you are retaking this course you will have to download the VM again from the link given above.
Late Work Will Be Penalized or Not Accepted
Please refer to the course syllabus for more information about submitting, deadlines, and deductions.
Virtual Machine:
● VM Name: cs6035_project1_vm
● User Name: kali ● Password: kali
Project Idea:
You’ll be performing a return-to-libc attack. This kind of attack usually starts with a buffer overflow in which a subroutine return address on a call stack is replaced by an address of another subroutine that is already present in the process executable memory. This other subroutine usually exists as part of the standard c libraries or “libc”, hence the name. The original subroutine “returns to libc” by calling that new function instead of properly returning to the caller.
Project Tasks (80 points):
The VM will automatically download the files needed to run the exploit in
These files include an executable exploit and its source code exploit.c. You will create an input file as described below.
$ cd /home/kali/Desktop/32_bit_overflow
$ curl -L -o exploit
$ chmod 777 exploit
$ curl -L -o exploit.c
You will notice that exploit.c sorts the information included in canvasusername_data.txt
Completing the Exploit:
1. Open the terminal and navigate to the exploit folder with the command: cd /home/kali/Desktop/32_bit_overflow
2. Create a text file with the command: touch canvasusername_data.txt
If your canvas username is ctaylor308 you would use: ctaylor308_data.txt
3. Open the text file with the command: mousepad canvasusername_data.txt &
You’ll want to keep the text file and the terminal windows open as you’ll be editing in both.
4. Also open the source code for the program you’ll be exploiting with the command: mousepad exploit.c &
It will open it in the same window as your text file and you can switch between them with the tabs at the top.
6. Before we can overflow anything we need to disable the ASLR protection. You’ll need to find the command to use in the linux terminal to temporarily disable it. You’ll need to disable it every time you restart the operating system.
7. Let’s try a brute force attack. Add a line of 8 characters to your text file such as:
Save the file.
8. Now in the terminal, we’ll run the program with our text file with the command:
./exploit canvasusername_data.txt
Now we see that the output contains “aaaaaaaa” in both the original and ascending order. But nothing else unexpected has happened though. Our goal is to break the normal operation of the program to exploit the system by overflowing the return address.
9. You know that you’ve overflown the frame pointer when the program segfaults. So to find the location of the frame pointer, add a new line of 8 characters to your text file (save the
file) and run the exploit with the command from step 8. Keep doing this, one line at a time, until you see a segfault.
10. Once you get the segfault you know you’ve overflown the frame pointer and that the next address should be the return address, where you want to place your malicious data. This garbage data that you’ve entered is the padding required before your malicious data. But why was it as much data as it was? We can actually manually calculate the amount of data that was required to get to this point and confirm that our padding is correct.
a. In the terminal run GDB with the command: gdb exploit
b. We need to set a breakpoint in order to examine the program. You can pick multiple lines but for now we’ll choose the Sort function. Enter the command: break Sort
c. Now run the binary with your data file, which will stop when we hit the breakpoint run <your data file>.txt
d. Now we can find the address of the frame pointer, which is stored in the EBP register. Use the command: print $ebp
e. We’ll also need the starting address of our buffer to determine the amount of padding we need. Enter the command: print &array
11. In this exploit, we’ll replace the return address with the address of the system() function. This will allow us to supersede our permissions and have the system run something for us. In this case, we want to open a shell as /bin/sh as opposed to the /usr/bin/zsh shell we are currently in. We will also want to exit cleanly so we don’t get any errors. While still in GDB from the last step, you’ll want to use GDB to find these addresses. Once you’ve found them, add them to your text file after your padding (saving the file again).
a. Find the system function address.
b. Find the /bin/sh address.
c. Find any exit function address that exits the shell cleanly (no errors displayed).
Important Note:
You are NOT allowed to use environment variables to store these addresses.
12. Quit out of GDB with the command:
13. Now try running the exploit again with the command you used in step 8. After that, check to see if you’re in the /bin/sh shell with the command: echo $$ $0
Compare your results with the screenshot in the Verifying your Results section below. If there is a white $ waiting for your input and the echo statement returned /bin/sh then you’ve successfully entered the correct shell. If not and the program had a segfault, then one of your addresses is wrong. It is likely your exit address, try replacing it with a copy of either your system or /bin/sh address and see if that works.
14. If you have the white $ awaiting input, the enter the command:
If you get a segfault then your exit address is incorrect; you need to find one that works with the sorting of the program (google man pages exit and then investigate the see also section). If you do not get a segfault and your results match the screenshot below then you’ve successfully completed the project.
15. Upload your text file to gradescope and confirm your score as in the Submitting to the Gradescope Autograder section below. If you received full credit, then also upload to canvas.
Verifying your Results:
Your goal is to craft your canvasusername_data.txt in such a way that when you run ./exploit canvasusername_data.txt a shell spawns (note the ‘$’ symbol which means you are at a shell in the screenshot) where you will then type the commands:
$ echo $$ $0
$ exit
The program MUST exit cleanly, which means ZERO error messages are displayed and you return to your normal shell, if you have any follow-up questions please check the video tutorial in the beginning of the instructions
Here is an example of a successful execution NOTE: example shows data.txt, not canvasusername_data.txt:
cd ~/Desktop/32_bit_overflow ./exploit canvasusername_data.txt

Important Notes:
● Your terminal should show the values both before and after sorting
● No segfaults are allowed. This must execute a clean shell, then exit cleanly.
● Be sure you check the ID and name of the shell you are in before and after with the echo commands to verify that they’ve changed and the exploit was successful.
Submitting to the Gradescope Autograder
● Your canvasusername_data.txt must be submitted to the Module: Project 1 - Part 2 Exploit Autograder on Gradescope.
● NOTE: For the autograder to work, you MUST create AND submit your canvasusername_data.txt from WITHIN the VM. It is possible to create and submit from outside the VM; the autograder supports multiple encodings, but you run the risk of receiving a 0 if it doesn’t support your system’s. You will NOT be refunded any attempts or given any consideration for this.
● The total number of submissions allotted to each student is limited to 5. This means that you can submit your canvasusername_data.txt a maximum of 5 times without penalty.
● Along with the test results, the autograder will display a Submission Count Disclaimer with information about your submission count.

● NOTE: You will also see the Submission Count Disclaimer under Passed Tests section on the results page even after you exceed the submission limit. This is related to how Gradescope works and does not hold any meaning for the students.
● To check your past submissions:
a. Click on Project 1 - Part 2 - Autograder
b. Click on Submission History at the bottom of the page

This should show your past submissions results.

● IMPORTANT NOTE: We will only consider the Activated score as your final score for the project.
● By default, the score of your latest submission is Activated. IT IS YOUR
Debugging Tips
1. Make sure you disabled ASLR on every boot (it is possible to permanently disable this, but it is a good idea to check even if you disable “permanently”)
2. Make sure you understand exploit.c and what the code is doing
3. Verify your address are correct (typos are common)
4. Verify the addresses are in the correct order after the sort
5. Verify your padding is correct – Review the walkthrough above (brute force is also an acceptable method of figuring out the padding)
6. Run locally and verify a clean exit with no segfaults and correct echos
7. Run on the autograder and verify the same result
Grading Rubric:
Please remember only 5 submissions to Gradescope are allowed. Any submissions after that will not be evaluated by the autograder. It is your responsibility to activate the submission you want graded (by default, it is the latest submission). See above.
You will only get credit for a SUCCESSFUL EXPLOIT (i.e, entering the shell successfully).
Partial credit will be awarded if the exit is not clean.
Note: Remember that these milestones must be met outside GDB.
Milestone 1: Successful Exploit (entered the shell) 50 Points
Milestone 2: Clean Exit (exited the shell with no errors or seg faults) 30 Points
TOTAL 80 Points
*** Remember to submit to both Canvas and Gradescope.***
Using an M1-based Mac
Install Homebrew if you haven’t already:
Install Qemu with command: brew install qemu
Now download the cs6035_project1_vm.ova file from setup instructions
Open a new terminal, and cd into wherever the OVA was downloaded
Run the commands:
mv cs6035_project1_vm.ova cs6035_project1_vm.tgz tar xvf cs6035_project1_vm.tgz qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 cs6035_p1p2_v4-disk001.vmdk cs6035_p1p2_v4-disk001.qcow2
qemu-system-x86_64 -hda cs6035_p1p2_v4-disk001.qcow2 -m 4096 -cpu qemu64 -smp 8

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