Problem Statement:
Data Set Description:
Data Filename: Project3.csv
Data File Format: Attribute descriptions are mentioned in the file P3_data_legend.xlx
Output Format: The cluster labels (1/2) for the data points exactly in the order in which the instances are present in the data file. Put a blank space between printed the cluster labels. (e.g., output 1 1 2 3 …, if the cluster labels are - Data Instance 1: 1, Data Instance 2: 1, Data Instance 3: 2, Data Instance 4: 3 …). Output, in above format, should be printed to the file: rollnumber_P3.out (e.g., 20CS10001_P3.out). Strictly use this filename format.
Submission Guidelines:
# Roll # Name # Assignment number # Specific compilation/execution flags (if required)