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CS60050 Project 2- K-NN Classifier Solution

Problem Statement:
Data Set Description:
Training Data Filename: project2.csv
Training Data File Format: There are 13 features. The last column denotes the class label. Heart disease correspond to class label 1, and no disease corresponds to 0. Features are: age, sex (0/1), cp (chest pain), trestbps (resting bp), chol (cholestorol), fbs (fasting blood sugar), restecg (rest ecg abnormality), thalach (thalium stress test maximum heart rate), exang (exercise induced angina), oldpeak (ecg ST peak), slope (ecg ST slope), ca (colored fluoroscopy).
Test Data Filename: project2_test.csv
Note that, there is no class label column. Each row is a test instance. There are 4 test instances. The row number corresponds to the instance number of the test instances.
Output Format: Predicted class labels (0/1) for the test data exactly in the order in which the test instances are present in the test file. Put a blank space between printed the class labels. (e.g., output 0 0 1 1, if the predicted class labels are - Test Instance 1: 0, Test Instance 2: 0, Test Instance 3: 1, Test Instance 4: 1). Output, in above format, should be printed to the file: rollnumber_P2.out (e.g., 20CS10001_P2.out). Strictly use this filename format.
Submission Guidelines:
# Roll # Name # Assignment number # Specific compilation/execution flags (if required)

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