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CS5704-Project 1 Refactoring Solved

includes a GUI that works correctly and a test that currently passes. Although the test passes, it is incomplete.

Right now it only implements "Level 1" of that game.

Our code has some problems. First, although the code works for a specific case, the code is not in very good shape. There is a lot of duplicate code in the game-engine class, and there is some unnecessary code in the game-object class. The GUI is also in need of some serious refactoring. Once we get the refactorings out of the way, we will need to generalize the code so that we can not only handle the farmer, goose, and beans, but also handle the other scenarios, like the big and small robots, and perhaps even the monsters and munchkins.

Part 1 – Get Familiar with the Current Code
Getting the GitHub Project
Go to the RiverCrossing project  (  on my GitHub site and download the ZIP file of the current code. Move it to the workspace of your favorite IDE and create a project using that code. For example, in Eclipse you just create a new Java project and give it the name "RiverCrossing" and as long as the RiverCrossing folder is in your workspace, Eclipse will detect that and use it for the project.

Once you have the files working in your IDE, do the following (note: you do not need to turn this in):

  Sketch out a class diagram for the application that includes all the classes in the "river" package and the relationships between them. Once you have done this, compare your diagram with the class diagram near the end of this project description. They should look similar.

  Run the GUI and see if you can get to a winning state and a losing state. Get a feel for what the application will and will not allow.

  Look at Wikipedia's entry on Model-View-Controller

( . Can you identify each of the 3 components in the current application?

Part 2 – Refactor the Code
Finish GameEngineTest
Complete the GameEngineTest based on the TODO comments in the test code. Run your test case and make sure all of the tests pass. Feel free to write more tests if you think you need them. Use the behavior of the GUI to help you understand what some of the tests should do.

Refactor GameObject
  Get rid of the GameObject subclasses – we don't want to limit ourselves to the farmer-oriented rivercrossing game. Therefore, it doesn't make much sense to have specific subclasses devoted to these objects. Furthermore, the subclasses don't serve a lot of purpose - they are essentially just there to initialize fields in the game-object.

  Change the getter method "getSound" in GameObject so that it is based on a field, just like the "getName" and "getLocation" getter methods.

  We are not going to modify the name field of a game object after it is created. Therefore, get rid of the setter method for it. Remember to check that there are no references to a method (or field or constructor) before deleting it.

  Clean up the class. Get rid of any unused constructors. Make all fields private. Make the fields that are never assigned to final.

Refactor GameEngine
  Put the Location class into its own file. Note that there is an Eclipse refactoring that will do this for you.

  Change all variables named top, mid, bottom, and player to wolf, goose, beans, and farmer. This includes the fields in GameEngine and the constants in Item. Make sure you keep the proper style (for example, constants are always capitalized). Note that this is going to be a temporary step to help us talk about how the application works and to be consistent with the GUI. Once we generalize the application, we are going to rename them again.

  Declare an instance variable of type Map that maps Items to GameObjects. Initialize the map in the constructor using a HashMap or an EnumMap (your choice) and put the four game-objects in it. Use your map to simplify the methods getName, getLocation, getItem, and any other methods that can be simplified.

  Once you have created the map and simplified the code, you should no longer need the fields wolf, goose, beans, and farmer (since you can easily access them using the map). Make sure there are no references to them and then delete them. Note that you will still have to create appropriate game objects in the constructor so that you can add them to the map, but fix things so that you won't need the fields anymore.

  Change the method names getName, getLocation, and getSound to getItemName, getItemLocation, and getItemSound. This will make it clear that these methods just call through to the game object getters.

  The "current location" is basically just the boat location. Rename the field and the getter to use boatlocation rather than current-location.

  Clean up the class. Make sure all fields and helper methods have private access. And make sure all fields that can be declared final are declared final.

Refactor GameEngineTest
  The class under test is GameEngine, so declare a private field "engine" of type GameEngine and initialize it in the @Before method (setUp). Use it to replace the local instances of the game engine.   Rename the testObject method to testObjectCallThroughs. Instead of creating game-objects, test the call through methods in the game-engine class. For example, instead of testing whether farmer.getName is "Farmer", test whether engine.getItemName(Item.FARMER) is "Farmer".

  Write a helper method called transport that takes an item. The method should transport the item from one side of the river to the other. Use it to simplify some of the test cases in which an item is transported.

  Write a helper method called goBackAlone that just calls engine.rowBoat, and use it whenever the farmer is going back alone in the test cases.

Remember that through all of the above refactorings, you are only changing the design of the code, not its functionality. Therefore, your test cases should continue to pass after each refactoring and -- if you do them carefully -- during each step of your refactoring.

Part 3 – Prepare to Create the GameEngine Interface
The refactorings in this section have to do with the fact that we don't want the GUI to depend on anything that has to do with this particular implementation of the game engine. Recall that the web site we looked at had three different river-crossing puzzles: one with the farmer (like the one we have here), one with robots, and one with monsters. Now take a look at the GUI. We see:

  Lots of direct references to the farmer, wolf, goose, and beans through the use of Item.FARMER, Item.WOLF, etc.

  Lots of indirect references to farmer, wolf, goose, and beans through the colors we choose for the rectangles and the letters we place in the rectangles.

  Indirect references to farmer, wolf, goose, and beans through the variables names we choose.

Unfortunately, all of this will have to change. Fortunately, we can do much of this through fairly straightforward refactorings.

  Get rid of references to farmer, wolf, goose, and beans game-objects. The only place these are used anymore are in the constructor and in the gameIsWon and gameIsLost methods. For the constructor, you can use local variables to help you create the game objects, or just inline them. For the gameIsLost/Won methods, replace goose.getLocation() with getItemLocation(Item.GOOSE) and do the same for the other game objects. Run your tests to make sure they work. Check that there are no other references to wolf, goose, beans, and farmer, and then delete those fields.

 Move the Item class out of GameEngine and refactor the names as follows:





After you do this, the constants in the Item class will not be in numerical order. Move them around so that they are – this will become important when refactoring the GUI. In the game-engine class, extract constants for Item.ITEM_0, Item.ITEM_1, etc. Give them their former names of BEANS, GOOSE, etc. Do the same for the GameEngineTest. Run you tests and the app to make sure everything still works.

  Replace properties name and sound in GameObject (which are not used except in tests) with label and color. The label property is a string and the color property is a color. These properties will be used by the GUI to draw the rectangles. In the GameEngine, make the labels and colors the same colors that currently appear in the GUI. Much of this can be done with the renaming of fields and methods, but at some point you are going to have to change a String type to a Color and this will break things. Make sure you have an idea of what it will break before you do it. Then fix those items.

Run the test and the GUI again to see if they still work.

As always, tidy up your code and make sure it is well-formatted.

Part 4 – Modify RiverGUI
The RiverGUI has a lot of redundant code. Somehow we've got to clean it up.

The view paints the rectangles on screen. The screen rectangle represent either items (things that can go into the boat) and the boat itself. If there are only 4 items, then there are only 5 rectangles on the screen. Therefore, we should be able to paint the screen with code that looks something like this.


Notice that we have getters for the rectangles. Do we need setters?

For the controller, we should have something similar in that the code focuses on those 5 rectangles.


Part 4 Suggestions
In the Q&A from February 6th, we implemented paintRectangle, and talked about how we could use that to refactor and simplify the existing code. But even if we replace filling rectangles and drawing labels with "paintRectangle", the code is still a bit of a mess because we have way too many conditions.

Remember that the goal is to just paint 5 rectangles – one for each item and one for the boat.

To do this, there will need to be some logic in paintItem. Our rectangle will depend on where the item is (left bank, boat, or right bank). It may help to use offsets. For example:


From the 2 (x, y) coordinates in the picture, I can derive any rectangle on the left side of the river.


To further simplify the items on the shore, you could declare dx and dy arrays with offsets for items 0 through 3:


Then, since ITEM is an enum type, you could use the getValue to return the index for the appropriate item:


If item is ITEM_0, this will return 0; if item is ITEM_1, this will return 1, etc. Therefore, if you knew an item was on the left shore, it's rectangle would be:


To obtain all possible rectangles you would also need (x, y) coordinates for the boat and a base rectangle on the right shore.

Part 5 – The GameEngine Interface
 Rename getCurrentLocation to getBoatLocation.

Rename GameEngine to FarmerGameEngine.

Extract a GameEngine interface from FarmerGameEngine. Select all public methods *except* the no-argument unloadBoat.

 Rename your GameEngineTest to FarmerGameEngineTest.

Make sure your GameEngineTest and your RiverGUI classes *declare* GameEngines but initialize using FarmerGameEngines.

  Make any changes necessary to get your tests and your application to work (like replacing occurrences of unloadBoat() with unloadBoat(Item)).

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