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cs529 CS 529: Assignment #3 Solution

Info: This HW includes both theory and coding problems. Please read the course policy before starting your HW.
• Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, k-NN and K-means are widely applied to security datasets (as evidenced by recent papers from top-tier conferences). These questions will help you understand them, and apply your own datasets in the future.
• You need to submit a report including solutions to theory and coding problems (in pdf format), and Jupyter notebooks that include your source code.
• You will compress your Jupyter notebooks in a zip file and submit them on Brightspace. The reports, however, will be submitted to the assignment on Gradescope, please check Gradescope to understand the format for the submission of the answers for each question.
• Please mark your solutions correctly while submitting the report on Gradescope.
• Please include your ipynb snippets (e.g., code and results) in your reports. These snippets can be in the form of a screenshot or a PDF. Do not forget to answer everything in the report as well.
• You can always use the course Campuswire page to ask your questions. I encourage you to answer questions to help each other.
• Failure to follow the instructions will lead to a deduction in points.
1 Problem 1: Security Basics [15pt]
Info: Please use at most four sentences per question.
1. Explain threat model. [2pts]
2. What is the relationship between a vulnerability and a compromise? [2pts]
3. Explain the security model. [2pts]
4. Explain confidentiality, integrity and availability of data (CIA triad). [2pts]
5. Explain how we classify the attacks on ML systems in terms of integrity and confidentiality. [2pts]
6. Consider the following intrusion detection system that is monitoring a shipping website. On average, there are 11,250 malicious logins a day, and the website receives 130,200 logins a week. Moreover, assume you have an intrusion detection algorithm and its performance is depicted in the confusion matrix below. Fill in the following probabilities and show your work. Note that flag means a traffic is predicted to be attack traffic (even if it is not). You can leave your answers as an expression or round them. Hint: Bayes rule states:P
Attack Benign
Predicted Attack 11086 8950
Benign 164 110000
(a) Accuracy =
(b) P(attack) =
(c) P(flag|attack) =
(d) P(flag) =
(e) P(benign|flag) =
2 Problem 2: Evaluating ML Systems [10pts]
Suppose you have a SPAM detection system. The system computes a SPAM “score” based on three metrics a1, a2, and a3 computed for each received email, all of which are reported in integers of 0-10. The following facts are true of all email: attribute a1 is correlated twice as strongly with SPAM as a2, and Attribute a3 is negatively correlated with SPAM exactly as strongly as a2 is positively correlated with SPAM. The final "score" that you compute will be an integer in the range [0,10].
1. Give the simplest and most accurate mathematical “score” function that mirrors this environment, score(a1,a2,a3) (SPAM Score that is described in the text above). [2.5pts]
2. Calculate the scores for each of the following emails based on this function: [2.5pts]

3. The detection system is based on a threshold scheme, where an email is marked as SPAM where its score is greater than or equal to threshold t. If t = 3, what is the: [2.5pts]
(a) False positive rate:
(b) True positive rate:
(c) False negative rate: (d) True negative rate:
4. Draw the ROC curve for the system (hint: success rate as t varies 0-10). [2.5pts]
3 Convolutional Neural Networks [5pts]
1. The input image is 28 X 28 and a kernel/filter of size 7 X 7 with a stride of 1. What is the size of the convoluted matrix? [2.5pts]
2. Given an input matrix of shape 7 X 7. What is the output when we apply a max pooling of size 3 X 3 with a stride of 2? [2.5pts]

4 Problem 4: Targeted and Non-Targeted Adversarial Attacks, and Defenses [40 pts]
Info: You are provided with the Jupyter notebook, H4P4.ipynb, for this question. Please complete the following questions in that. The template for this question is provided. You have to complete certain code segments. After completing the code segments, ensure that the entire code in the notebook executes without any errors. The notebook walks you through generating adversarial images through targeted and non-targeted attacks. And it also introduces you to a very basic defense technique (binary thresholding). Given these introductions, you’ll be asked to complete certain functions to implement these functionalities.
The goal of this question is to construct adversarial examples to attack a machine learning system (digit recognition). You will also create a simple defense and check whether the defense works.
1. Non-Targeted Attacks: A short introduction to such kinds of attacks is provided in the notebook. You have to complete the function that implements the idea of non-targeted attacks. [15pts]
2. Targeted Attacks: An introduction on the same is given in the notebook, you have to complete the associated function to implement such an attack. [15pts]
3. Simple defense against adversarial attacks: For this segment, you’ll implement a simple technique as a defense strategy. Namely, you’ll perform binary thresholding of the images and see whether this technique is effective. Complete the associated function(s) for this part. [10pts]
NOTE: You have to complete the segments marked explicitly, where you have to fill in the code, and there are some segments, where there is a None present, you have to fill these too, considering the comments provided in the notebook.
5 Problem 5: Generating Adversarial Samples [30 pts]
Info: In this question you will implement four adversarial attack methods. You are not asked to implement them on your own, you will use existing libraries for this purpose. You will be using Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) v1.0 by IBM. You are provided with a Jupyter notebook for this question, for the convention, named Problem5.ipynb. Each question below is 5 points.
NOTE: Please use Google Colab for this question or other GPU-enabled devices to work on this question, as it requires heavy computation for generating the adversarial samples using the different attacks.
Your objective is the following :
1. Use the MNIST data, train classifiers of CNN based model, ANN-based model (dense layers only) and compare their classification accuracy on the test data graphically (free to choose your own graph representation). For the data, use the MNIST dataset that is provided as part of Keras itself. For training the networks, you design the architecture and train the networks from scratch. [5pts]
write down which methods and the subset size you used to create the adversarial examples. [5pts]
3. Create a new test set, based entirely on the adversarial images generated previously. Test the performance of your classifier on this test set. [5pts]
4. Create a new augmented test set (original test images + adversarial images), where you mix test images that you originally have with the adversarial samples you have generated. The ratio of the mixture should be 50%. Compare the classifiers’ performance on this augmented test set. [5pts]
5. Make a single plot, wherein you compare the test accuracy of all the models, on the three types of test sets that you have. (You’re free to choose your own graph representation). [5pts]
6. What do you infer from the classifiers’ performance, on these three types of test sets? [5pts]
• Keep in mind that the size of all three test sets should be 10000 samples.
• Try to tune the hyperparameters of the model as much as possible.
• The three test sets are described as follows:
Original Test Set: 10000 original (normal) test images.
Adversarial Test Set : 10000 adversarial samples.
Augmented Test Set: 50% original test samples + 50% adversarial samples.

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