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CS522-Assignment 5 Content Providers and Entity Managers Solved

 In this assignment, you will provide a similar app, but using the abstractions discussed in class for hiding the complexity of background thread management, while providing a type-safe API for the presentation layer.  As before, the content provider should store the data using a SQLite database with two tables, identified by the content paths, messages and peers. You should again have activities for viewing a list of all messages, viewing a list of all chat peers (accessed via a menu), and viewing the details for a single chat peer, including a list of all their messages.  The last activity is started when the user selects a chat peer from the list of peers in the second activity. 


As before, define contracts, MessageContract and PeerContract, for the content provider, ChatProvider.  Place the contracts classes in the contracts subpackage of your app, and the provider in the providers subpackage of your app.  This is a practice that you will be expected to follow for all assignments for the remainder of the course.  The contracts class should define content URIs and content paths, content types, the column names for the cursor and content values, and operations for retrieving columns from a cursor and inserting them into a content values table.


Also as before, define entity classes, Message, for messages stored in the database, and Peer, for chat peers stored in the database. These should define entity fields, implementations of the Parcelable interface, constructor sfor initializing an entity from a cursor, and an operation writeToProvider for initializing a ContentValues object (for insertion into a provider) with the fields of the entity.


Unlike the previous assignment, all content provider operations should be asynchronous(not just the queries that populate list views).  Furthermore, all access to the provider by the application should be defined through manager objects, MessageManager and PeerManager, that extend a generic abstract class Manager<T as defined in the lecture materials (instantiating it with the Message and Peer entity types, respectively).  The manager base class should define both synchronous and asynchronous content resolvers, and should be defined in the managers subpackage with the other manager classes.  You will have to define the latter class, AsyncContentResolver, inheriting from AsyncQueryHandler.  The manager base class should define generic methods for asynchronous queries (both using loaders and using the asynchronous content resolver), using factory methods defined in the QueryBuilder and SimpleQueryBuilder classes.  The MessageManager and PeerManager classes should define whatever app-specific type-safe operations are required for the app to use the content provider, without accessing it directly.  For loader queries, define a TypedCursor<T class in the managers package that encapsulates a cursor and provides a type-safe API for accessing a cursor.  The app should use loader-based queries to populate the list view for the activities, but rather than using the loader manager and cursor loaders directly, instead use the QueryBuilder class (through the query operations defined in the manager classes).  All insertion, deletion and update operations should also be asynchronous (using the asynchronous content resolver).  When a message is received from a peer, that message and peer should be upserted into the database using an asynchronous content resolver (which is only accessed through message and peer manager objects that provide type-safe asynchronous APIs for accessing the content provider).  You will need to upsert the peer object first all, since you will need its primary key as a foreign key reference in the manager object, and then insert the message object:


peerManager.persistAsync(peer,      id - {

        message.senderId = id;




Note that your apps should never use the startManagingCursor or managedQuery operations, or the constructor for SimpleCursorAdapter that takes a cursor as its argument.  However it is all right in general to use (a specialization of) the SimpleCursorAdapter class, using the second constructor that provides a flag that indicates that the query should not be managed by the activity.  Just do not use the first, deprecated constructor that causes queries to be managed on the UI thread

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