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CS522-Assignment 1 My First App Solved

The Android developer website provides a wealth of information about Android. To get you
started, it contains instructions for building and running your first Android app:
This exercise involves:
• Building an Android app with a user interface (activity).
• Accepting user input in the app.
• Launching a second activity from the first activity, to echo the input.
For this assignment, you should do the exercise of building and running this app. Configure
the target platform for the app to be Android 10.0 API Level 29 (Q). Modify the name of the
app, which is displayed in the title bar of the app, to include your name. For example, if your
name is Humphrey Bogart, then the title bar during execution should show something like
“Humphrey Bogart’s First App.”
You should run the app on a virtual Android device of your choice, or on your own physical
device if you prefer.

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