In this assignment you will explore LSH and Euclidean distances.
You will use a data set for this assignment:
• http://www.cs.utah.edu/˜jeffp/teaching/cs5140/A3/R.csv
1 Choosing r,b (35 points)
Consider computing an LSH using t = 160 hash functions. We want to find all object pairs which have Jaccard similarity above τ = .85.
A: (15 points) Use the trick mentioned in class and the notes to estimate the best values of hash functions b within each of r bands to provide the S-curve
f(s) = 1 − (1 − sb)r
with good separation at τ. Report these values.
B: (15 points) Consider the 4 objects A,B,C,D, with the following pair-wise similarities:
A 1 0.77 0.25 0.33
B 0.77 1 0.20 0.55
C 0.25 0.20 1 0.91
D 0.33 0.55 0.91 1
Using your choice of r and b and f(·), what is the probability of each pair of the four objects for being estimated to having similarity greater that τ = 0.85? Report 6 numbers. (Show your work.)
2 Generating Random Directions (30 points)
A: (10 points) Describe how to generate a single random unit vector in d = 10 dimensions using only the operation u ← unif(0,1) which generates a uniform random variable between 0 and 1. (This can be called multiple times.)
B: (20 points) Generate t = 160 unit vectors in Rd for d = 100. Plot of cdf of their pairwise dot products (yes, you need to calculate dot products).
3 Angular Hashed Approximation (35 points)
Consider the n = 500 data points in Rd for d = 100 in data set R, given at the top. We will use the angular similarity, between two vectors a,b ∈ Rd:
If a,b are not unit vectors (e.g., in Sd−1), then we convert them to a¯ = a/kak2 and ¯b = b/kbk2. The definition of sang(a,b) assumes that the input are unit vectors, and it takes a value between 0 and 1, with as usual 1 meaning most similar.
A: (15 points) Compute all pairs of dot products (Yes, compute values), and plot a cdf of their angular similarities. Report the number with angular similarity more than τ = 0.85.
B: (20 points) Now compute the dot products and angular similarities among pairs of the t random unit vectors from Q2.B. Again plot the cdf, and report the number with angular similarity above τ = 0.85.
4 Bonus (3 points)
Implement the banding scheme with your choice of r,b, using your t = 160 random vectors, to estimate the pairs with similarity above τ = 0.85 in the data set R. Report the fraction found above τ = 0.85. Compare the runtime of this approach versus a brute force search.