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CS5140 Assignment 2: Document Similarity and Hashing Solution

100 points
In this assignment you will explore the use of k-grams, Jaccard distance, min hashing, and LSH in the context of document similarity.
You will use four text documents for this assignment:
1 Creating k-Grams (50 points)
You will construct several types of k-grams for all documents. All documents only have at most 27 characters: all lower case letters and space. Yes, the space counts as a character in character k-grams.
[G1] Construct 2-grams based on characters, for all documents. [G2] Construct 3-grams based on characters, for all documents.
[G3] Construct 2-grams based on words, for all documents.
Remember, that you should only store each k-gram once, duplicates are ignored.
A: (25 points) How many distinct k-grams are there for each document with each type of k-gram? You should report 4 × 3 = 12 different numbers.
B: (25 points) Compute the Jaccard similarity between all pairs of documents for each type of k-gram. You should report 3 × 6 = 18 different numbers.
2 Min Hashing (50 points)
We will consider a hash family H so that any hash function h ∈H maps from h : {k-grams}→ [m] for m large enough (To be extra cautious, I suggest over m ≥ 10,000; but should work with smaller m too).
A: (35 points) Using grams G2, build a min-hash signature for document D1 and D2 using t = {20,60,150,300,600} hash functions. For each value of t report the approximate Jaccard similarity between the pair of documents D1 and D2, estimating the Jaccard similarity:
JSˆ t( ) = t 0 if ai 6= bi.
You should report 5 numbers.

3 Bonus (3 points)
Describe a scheme like Min-Hashing over a domain of size n for the Andberg Similarity, defined Andb(A,B) =
. That is so given two sets A and B and family of hash functions, then Prh∈H[h(A) = h(B)] =
Andb(A,B). Note the only randomness is in the choice of hash function h from the set H, and h ∈H represents the process of choosing a hash function (randomly) from H. The point of this question is to design this process, and show that it has the required property.
Or show that such a process cannot be done.

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