HomeWork 1 - CS5007
1 Arithmetic expressions
Convert each of the following mathematical expression in an equivalent Python expression. Write the expression in the designated space in your template module a line of Python code.
The values of the three rational variables a, b and c are assigned at the beginning of the template module and should not be modified.
a. 4ab + bc
b. b3
c. ab
d. (ac + ba)/bc
e. a2 − b4 + 2ab
2 Expressions, Python operators
Write the following Python expressions into the designated places in the template module. Run the module.
a. (8//6) ∗ 6
b. (8/6) ∗ 6
Explain in a comment line why the value of expressions a. and b. are different.
3 Boolean expressions
Convert each of the following logical expression in an equivalent Python expression.
Write the expression in the designated space in your template module a line of Python code.
The values of the Boolean variables a, b and c are assigned at the beginning of the template module and should not be modified. Recall that ∨ is “or”, ∧ is “and”, ¬ is “not” and → is implication.
a. a ∧ (b ∨ c)
b. a → (b ∨ c)
c. (a ∧ b) ∨ (¬c)
d. a → (b → (¬c))
4 Function
Wind chill is defined by the following formula:
Wind Chill = 13.13 + 0.621 × T − 12.1 × V 0.15 + 0.3967 × T × V 0.16
In this formula, T is the temperature in Celsius and V is the wind velocity in kilometers per hour.
1) Define a function WindChill in your template module to calculate the wind chill for any temperature and velocity. For instance, a call to WindChill(−20,30) prints the following result:
At -20C and 30 kph winds, it feels like -33.1156286189848C
Your function should NOT return anything, but PRINT the result on IDLE. Call your windChill function with arguments -20 for T and 30 for V.
2) Write a similar function, named WindChill2, that does not print but returns the result. Write an appropriate statement using this second function, so as to print this returned result.
5 Errors in a Python program
def euc(x1,y1,x2,y1): lambda = (x1-x2)**2 gamma = (y1-y2)**2
return((lambda+gamma)**(1//2)) result = euc(1,3,2,7) print("result")
Function euc was written to calculate a distance with following formula:
p((x1 − x2)2 + (y1 − y2)2
Unfortunately, the function definition, call and print statement contain 5 errors. Explain in a command line each error, within the template module. Re-write correctly the function and the call/print statement in the template module.