Written Problem 1: 2D Rotations
Recall that a 2D rotation about the origin by angle π can be represented as a matrix π
(π) given by
(π) = [cos π − sin π] sinπ cos π
A. Using standard trigonometric identities, prove that π
(π)−1 = π
(−π) = π
B. Using standard trigonometric identities, prove that the product of two rotation matrices is equal to the rotation matrix defined by the sum of the individual angles. Specifically, prove that
(π2) = π
(π1 + π2). (Incidentally, this proves that rotation order does not matter in 2D.)
Written Problem 2: 2D Rigid Transforms
Recall that a rigid transform in 2D can be represented by a rotation about the origin by angle π followed by translation by a 2D vector π‘β. Specifically, we will say a rigid transform π is an operator π: π
2 → π
2 defined by
ππ₯β π‘β
A. Prove that all rigid transforms preserve distance, that is, βππ₯β − ππ¦ββ = βπ₯β − π¦ββ for all rigid transforms π and points π₯β, π¦β .
B. Prove that the inverse of a rigid transform is also a rigid transform. Derive the parameters of the inverse transform. Specifically, show that π(π, βπ‘ββ )−1 = π(π′,π‘βββ ′) for some values π′ and π‘β′, and give an expression of π′ and π‘β′ in terms of π and βπ‘ββ . (As usual the inverse operator is defined such that π¦β = ππ₯β if and only if π₯β = π−1π¦β)
C. Prove that the composition of two rigid transforms is also a rigid transform, and derive the
parameters of their composition. Specifically, let π and π be two rigid transforms. The composition π is defined such that ππ₯β for all π₯β. Find the orientation and translation parameters (π, π‘β) corresponding to π.
D. Suppose we wanted not to rotate about the origin, but about some rotation center πβ. How can such a transform be represented in the form π
Written Problem 3: Homogeneous coordinates
Thinking of rigid transforms as operators is somewhat clumsy. Homogeneous coordinates allow us to think of them simply as matrices. Let us define the “homogenizer” operator Μ as the function that transforms a 2D vector πβ π to homogeneous coordinates πΜ . Let us also define the
“de-homogenizer” operator Μ such that it transforms a 3D vector πβ [π₯, π¦, π€]π to 2D coordinates by
π₯ π¦ π division by the homogeneous coordinate π€: πΜ = [ , ] .
π€ π€
A. Prove that the operator π(π, π‘β) can be represented by a linear transform in homogeneous coordinates via the matrix
cos π − sin π π‘π₯
πΜ(π, π‘β) = [sinπ cos π π‘π¦] ,
0 0 1
meaning that if π¦β π₯Μ, then π¦Μ = π(π, π‘β)π₯β.
B. Prove that matrix multiplication in homogeneous coordinates is equivalent to composition of transform operators, that is, πΜ
C. When applying a rigid transform to a directional quantity like a camera’s view direction (as opposed to a positional quantity like the coordinates of a point), it is inappropriate to add the translational component. One way to represent this discrepancy would be to define a new operator that works on direction vectors (let’s call it ) such that π πβ.
Another way to do this would be to define homogeneous coordinates of directional quantities
such that the homogeneous coordinate is zero, i.e., if πβ = [π₯, π¦]π is a direction, then πΜ = [π₯, π¦, 0]π.
Prove that multiplication in homogeneous coordinates does the same thing as the β operator, and furthermore, it preserves the convention that directions have 0 as their homogeneous coordinates.
Written Problem 4: 3D Rotations
Rotations about the π₯, π¦, and π§ axes by angle π can be represented as 3x3 matrices π
π₯(π), π
π¦(π), and π
π§(π) given by
1 0 0
π₯(π) = [0 cosπ − sinπ] 0 sinπ cos π cos π 0 sinπ
π¦(π) = [ 0 1 0 ]
− sinπ 0 cos π cos π − sin π 0
π§(π) = [sinπ cos π 0]
0 0 1
A. Given an example to show that in general, rotation composition in 3D is not symmetric. I.e., find two 3D rotation matrices π
1 and π
2 such that π
1 ⋅ π
2 ≠ π
2 ⋅ π
B. A common camera coordinates convention is to represent 3D points in such that +π₯ is the “right” direction (positive to the right of the image center), +π¦ is the down direction (positive below the image center), and +π§ is the “forward” direction (i.e., positive in front of the camera). The origin lies at the focal point.
A common egocentric coordinates convention in mobile robotics represents +π₯ as the forward direction of the robot (from its point of view), +π¦ toward the left of the robot, and +π§ pointing upward (from the ground toward the sky).
Suppose our robot holds the camera pointing straight forward, that is, the camera is oriented such that:
1. The camera’s forward direction is level with the ground plane.
2. The camera’s forward direction points directly along the forward direction of the robot.
3. The sky is up and the ground is down in the camera image.
Give the rotation matrix π
such that matrix multiplication π₯βπ = π
⋅ π₯βπ computes the egocentric coordinates π₯βπ of the 3D point whose camera coordinates are π₯βπ.
C. The robot can freely rotate about its Z axis and translate on the plane, and the camera’s origin is placed at coordinates (3cm,0cm,6cm) in the robot’s local coordinate frame. Give a 3D rigid transform π, giving a transform of the robot in world coordinates, that the robot should move to so that 1) its camera is placed at (1.5m,1.2m,0.06m) and 2) is pointing perpendicularly toward a wall whose outward normal direction has heading 135β.
Programming Lab A: Direction and Magnitude
Lab 1a displays two endpoints of a line segment, which move according to the functions source_motion(t) and target_motion(t). The on-screen display incorrectly calculates the length and angle of this segment, printing out 0 and 0, respectively. Your job is to properly calculate these values.
Complete the function lab1a(point1,point2) which should return a tuple (length,angle) describing the magnitude and heading of the vector from point1 to point2.
Hint: run the selfTest() function to verify that you are performing the calculations properly.
Programming Lab B: Rotation of Points
Lab 1b displays a clock-like object with a center point and two peripheral points. They should be rotating simultaneously about the center point, but the display is broken.
Complete the function lab1b(point,angle) which should return a new point rotated about the origin by the given angle. Both input and output points are given by a length-2 tuple (or list) of floats.
Hint: run the selfTest() function to verify that you are performing the calculations properly.
Programming Lab C: Composition of Rigid Transformations
Lab 1c displays a car-like vehicle. By default the car will use automatic controls (chosen at random by default), but you can also drive it around using the arrow buttons.
The display of the car is broken! It does not properly rotate, and the front wheels do not properly indicate the steering angle.
1. Complete the function get_rotation_matrix(xform). Here an xform is a tuple (tx,ty,angle) indicating the translation and rotation of a rigid body transformation. get_rotation_matrix should return a 2x2 matrix so that matrix-vector multiplication with a point should give the rotated point (i.e., duplicate the behavior of lab1b()). When this is correctly implemented, the car body should rotate as the car turns.
2. Complete lab1c(xform1,xform2). This function composes two xforms together so that applying the result to a point is equivalent to first applying xform2, and then applying xform1. When this is correctly implemented, the front wheels should rotate to indicate steering angle.
To help you debug, you can change the automatic controls by editing the control() function. Return values ‘up’ and ‘down’ increase and decrease the velocity, and ‘left’ and ‘right’ increase and decrease the steering angle.
Hint: run the selfTest() function to verify that you are performing the calculations properly.
Programming Lab D: Grid Search
In this assignment you will implement a grid search motion planner for a point robot. A basic search on an integer 8-connected grid is provided for you, as well as functions for visualizing the planned path. Run the selfTestX() functions to verify that you are performing the calculations correctly.
1. Discretization. The first problem is that the point robot moves in continuous space, while grids operate in integer coordinates! Implement a grid search motion planner in the grid_planner function so that it searches over a box, with lower bound bmin=(xmin,ymin) to upper bound bmax=(xmax,ymax). Perform the search between the nearest points on the continuous grid to the start and goal before searching, and don’t forget to produce a path that connects to the start and goal!
2. Collision testing. The in_obstacle(p) function tests whether the point p is within one of the circular obstacles in obstacle_list. Modify the planner to avoid obstacles by modifying graph that is searched. Don’t worry about collisions along edges.
3. Optimal paths. The cost argument to dijkstras isn’t currently being used, which creates somewhat odd, suboptimal, diagonal artifacts around obstacles. Create a cost function grid_cost((i1,j1),(i2,j2)) so that the value is the Euclidean distance between (continuous space) grid points.
4. Efficiency using A* search. Set bmin=(-10,-10), bmax=(10,10), N=100, M=100 and observe how long the search takes. We should be able to do better if the start and goal are close together using A* search on an implicit graph. Read the documentation of the astar_implicit function to determine the format of the successors argument. Implement my_cost and successors so that it dynamically performs collision detection in the midst of searching. Next, implement a Euclidean distance heuristic in my_heuristic, and make sure it improves the running time in selfTest4.
5. Extra credit. Implement a version of A* that implicitly constructs the search graph. It must take less than O(MN) time if the start and goal can be connected by a short path, and O(MN) time if the path is long.
The files graph.py, grid.py, and search.py provide utility functions for you to use, and are imported in the first cell. These modules define:
- graph: implements AdjListGraph, a directed graph data structure that uses an adjacency list for edge storage.
- grid: implements grid_graph(M,N,diagonals=False), a function for constructing an
AdjListGraph on integer coordinates (i,j), with i=0,…,M-1 and j=0,…,N-1.
- search: implements Dijkstra’s algorithm on a graph, and A* search on a graph or an implicit graph.
Hint: write help(THING) in a cell to get the documentation for THING (module, class, or function).