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CS490-590- Project VI: Neighbor Joining for Phylogenetic Trees Solved

Description: You are to implement the Neighbor Joining algorithm on distance matrix inputs.

Specifications:  The neighbor joining algorithm is described in pages 137 – 142 of your text, as part of the «On your own project ».  This project is similar, except that I only require distance matrix inputs (no messing with multiple alignments, Jukes-Cantor, etc.).   This restriction should also make it easier to check your correctness.  

Sample inputs provided are DM-p127.txt and DM-p139.txt.   

What to turn in: You must turn in a single zipped file containing your source code, a Makefile if needed for compilation, and a README file indicating how to execute your program. 

Your program must be written in C/C++ or Java and compile using an open source compiler such as g++, gcc, or javac. 

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