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Please show intermediate steps for all computational problems below. Giving only the final result will result in zero point. For numerical answers, keep 3 digits after the decimal point.
For Problems 7 and above, write steps in matrix form as long as you can to save your time. Do NOT detail sub-matrix steps – that’s a waste of time. You are encouraged to use computers to evaluate matrix operations rather than punching keys on a calculator. You are also encouraged to take advantage of the MiniNN library to do the computations for you.
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HW 5: basic and single-neuron operations [10pts plus 4 bonus pts]
1. [1pt] What is the Hadamard product A ◦ B between the following two matrixes?
1 2 3 A =
3 2 1
B =
−1 0.1
−20 0.3
2. [2pt] Continuing from Problem 1 above, what is the product ABT? And what is the product BAT?
3. [1pt] Continuing from Problems 1 and 2 above, is there a product AB? Why?
4. [1pt] Continuing from Problems 1, 2, and 3, above, given f(x) = x + 1, what is the value of f(ABT)?
5. [Bonus, 2pt] In slides, to expand Eq. (2), we used negative logistic loss (also called cross entropy loss) as E and logistic activation function as ϕ. What will be the new ∂w∂Ei if we use squared error loss and linear activation function? Specifically, what if E = (yˆ− y)2 (assume just one sample) and ϕ(wTx) = wTx?
6. [2pt] Here is a diagram of a neuron.
Suppose d = 3. If the augmented input vector x = [x0,x1,x2,x3]T = [1,0,1,0]T, and the weight vector w = [w0,w1,w2,w3]T = [5,4,6,1]T, and the activation function ϕ(x) = x2 (note that in function notation, the x in ϕ(x) here can be any number or vector. not to be confused with the input vector x), what is the value of the prediction yˆ?
Hint: Eq. (1)
7. [3pt] Continuing from problem 6 above, if the loss is defined as E = yˆ−y, what is the value of ∂E/∂x1?
And what is the value of ∂E/∂w1? Please treat y as a constant.
Hint for second question: Eq. (2). And think what is the new ∂E∂yˆ = ∂y∂ˆ−yˆy?
8. [Bonus, 2pt] What is the value of x ... ?
And what is the value of w ... ?
Your answers should be two column vectors containing real values.
Hint for second question: See the last equation on the same page with Eq. (2). But note that the E for that equation is neg log loss, not the assumed loss for Problem 7.
HW6: Operations on a neural network [10pts plus 5 bonus pts]
Hint: The slides “Recap:...” and “A grounded example...”
9. [1pt] Here is a neural network.
Input layer x(0) Hidden layer 1 x(1) Hidden layer 2 x(2) Output layer x(3)
Let W(l) be the transfer matrix from layer l to layer l + 1, for all l ∈ [0..2].
What are the shapes (in terms of number of rows by number of columns, e.g., 5 × 4) for W(0), W(1), and W(2) respectively?
10. [2pts] Continuing from Problem 9 above, if all weights in W(0) are 0.1, all weights in W(1) are 2, and all weights in W(2) are 1, what are the values of all activations x(l) for all l ∈ [1..3]? Assume the input vector x(0) = [1,1,1]T, the activation function be logistic function, and bias is 1 x . Express activations at each layer as a column vector.
11. [2.5pts] Continuing from Problems 9 and 10 above, if the target y is [1,0]T, what are the values of δ(l) for all l ∈{2,1}? Be sure to include δ0(l) on the bias term if applicable. Suppose we use negative logistic (cross entropy) loss, and logistic activation function. Here δ(3) = yˆ − y is 2 × 1 and the prediction yˆ = x(3).
12. [3pts] Continuing from Problems 9, 10, and 11 above, what are the values of for all l ∈ [0..2]?
13. [1.5pts] Finally, how should W(l) given in Problem 9 be updated to based on ∇(l) obtained in Problem 12, for all l ∈ [0..2]? Assume the learning rate ρ = 1.
14. [Bonus, 5pts] In the demo for Unit 5 Regression, we used a neural network with tanh as the activation function for all neurons. The range of tanh is from -1 to 1, which means that the output from that neural network is limited between -1 and 1. But in that problem, the target or the prediction ranges from 0 to 4. How do you explain? Look into the source code of scikit-learn to find out.