One of the main uses of artificial intelligence in games is to perform path planning, the search for a sequence of movements through the virtual environment that gets an agent from one location to another without running into any obstacles.
One of the most commonly used pathfinding algorithms for computer games is A*. With an admissible heuristic, A* provides nice guarantees about optimality—it will find the shortest path—and keep the amount of unnecessary search to a minimum.
Please consult earlier assignments for background on the Unity project. In addition to the information about the game engine provided there, the following are new elements you need to know about. AStarPathSearchImpl
This class will provide the implementation for incremental path planning using the A* algorithm. Other algorithms in the Unity project depend on this implementation. Once you have successfully implemented the A* algorithm, GreedyBestFirstSearch and DijkstrasSearch will also become functional. They work by providing alternative G()/H() functions.
float CostNull(Vector2 nodeA, Vector2 nodeB) This function provides the null cost (weighted graph edge weight) between two pathNodes. It is already implemented for you and should not be modified. Used for Greedy Best First Search.
float HeuristicNull(Vector2 nodeA, Vector2 nodeB) This function provides the default null heuristic estimate of the remaining distance between two pathNodes. It is already implemented for you and should not be modified. Used for Dijkstra’s Algorithm.
float Cost(Vector2 nodeA, Vector2 nodeB) This function provides the default cost (weighted graph edge weight) between two pathNodes. You must implement this function. Return must be non-negative. Measure the Euclidean distance between nodes.
float HeuristicManhattan(Vector2 nodeA, Vector2 nodeB) This function provides the heuristic estimate of the remaining distance between two pathNodes using Manhattan distance. You must implement this function. Return must be non-negative.
float HeuristicEuclidean(Vector2 nodeA, Vector2 nodeB) This function provides the heuristic estimate of the remaining distance between two pathNodes using Euclidean distance. You must implement this function. Return must be non-negative.
public static PathSearchResultType FindPathIncremental()
Arguments: GetNodeCount getNodeCount – A callback that returns the integer number of graph nodes. E.g. int count = getNodeCount(). GetNode getNode – A callback that returns the node at position i. E.g. Vector3 v = getNode(i) GetNodeAdjacencies getAdjacencies – A callback that returns the adjacency list for node at position i. E.g. List<int> adj = getAdjacencies(i) CostCallback G – Cost function that return a non-negative float, taking two Vector2 arguments CostCallback H – Heuristic estimate function that returns a non-negative float, taking two Vector2 arguments bool doInitialization – true if the method should be initialized as starting a new search from the startNodeIndex, with new currentNodeIndex, searchNodeRecords, openNodes, closedNodes, and returnPath. Future incremental calls will be made with false. Note that initialization can be requested on any call ref int currentNodeIndex – The current node the A* algorithm is working from. Note that this is only used for visualization purposes in the A* search (especially during incremental search). The current node is determined by the open set priority queue. However other search algorithms might use this as an in/out param to track state. ref Dictionary<int, PathSearchNodeRecord> searchNodeRecords – a dictionary that associates a PathNode index with metadata pertaining to the PathNode in question. A Dictionary is built into the .NET/mono framework and provides quick mapping between key/value pairs.
PathSearchNodeRecord (struct) The metadata necessary to facilitate A* search (and other search types). See: /Assets/Scripts/Framework/PathSearch/PathSearchNodeRecord.cs Struct Members: NodeIndex – the PathNode index of the node that the PathSearchNodeRecord pertains to FromNodeIndex – the PathNode index that lead to the NodeIndex being added to the openNodes set. CostSoFar – The sum of edge weights (G function) that lead to this node EstimatedTotalCost – The CostSoFar plus the Heuristic estimate to the goal from this node Constructor() – Note that there are constructors for instantiating this struct
license) for SimplePriorityQueue is provided in Assets/3rdParty/FastPriorityQueue/ ref HashSet<int> closedNodes – A HashSet of PathNode indexes. These nodes are considered to be (mostly) closed to further consideration in the A* algorithm. A HashSet is built into the .NET/mono framework and provides quick determination of membership in the set. ref List<int> returnPath – A list of indexes of PathNodes. Upon completion of the A* algorithm. This list will be a path from the startNode to the goalNode. If the goalNode was impossible to reach, the returnPath will lead from the startNode to the node closest to the goalNode. Note that this requires modification to the A* algorithm.
Return value: PathSearchResultType – This is an enumeration that details the status of the AStar Incremental Search. The enumeration values are as follows.
Complete – The A* algorithm has completed calculation and found the goal. Partial – The A* algorithm has completed calculation and only found a partial path. InProgress – The A* algorithm has not yet found a solution. Further calls must be made to complete the search. InitializationError – The A* algorithm has been called with invalid arguments. This can be returned even if doInitialization is not set to true.
Instructions To complete this assignment, you must implement the A* algorithm.
Download this project from github. Open the project in Unity. Utilize your previous grid and path network solutions, and open either scene (do eventually test both).
If you don’t have a valid solution, then you can use the hard coded solutions by enabling “Use Hard Coded Cases” in the Unity Inspector when viewing the NavigationArea game object of both the GridNavigation and PathNetwork scenes. The option will be in the Game Grid or Path Network component sections.
Try left-clicking somewhere on the map that is not an obstacle or waypoint. You should see the agent find a path using BreadthFirstSearch. Hit spacebar to cycle through search algorithms (text in top right of HUD). Note that A*, GreedyBestFirst, and Dijkstra won’t work until you implement A*. Try right-clicking to initiate an incremental search. Observe the metadata visualization that draws little arrows showing open/closed sets and FromNode direction (best observed in the grid scene). You can use Shift Right-Click to manually step with “N” for next step. You can clear the metadata visualization with “C”.
In the Unity Inspector view of the AgentSphere, you can change IncrSearchMaxNode to different values for testing step sizes other than 1.
Once you are familiar with the interface, implement your A* algorithm in Assets/Scripts/GameAIStudentWork/AStar/AstarPathSearchImpl.cs
Make sure you change the name string and also implement the three methods. Keep in mind that A* must: 1.) Solve incrementally 2.) Return a path to the closest node to the goal, if the goal cannot be reached
Grading Assessment of this assignment will be based on determining whether your algorithm can successfully find the goal, if reachable, can do so incrementally, only search nodes as necessary for A*, etc.
Special considerations: • You must not skip putting the goal node in the searchNodeRecords with correct meta data. This is for grading purposes • You must always include the start node, the goal node (or node closest to goal), and all the nodes in-between and in order, in your returned path
Your code will be allowed at least 10 seconds to complete each test.
Start with the basic A* and ignore maxNumNodesToExplore. Just return PathSearchResultType.Complete/Partial instead of InProgress.
Similarly, you can ignore finding the closest node to goal (if goal cannot be reached) until you get the basics working.
Don’t forget to later test with AgentSphere’s IncrSearchMaxNode Inspector property.
Check out BasicPathSearchImpl.cs and GreedySimplePathSearchImpl.cs for other working search algorithm code.
Make new entries in CustomPresetConfig.cs for further testing (do not submit this file).
Create Unit/Integration tests with AStarTest.cs
Submission To submit your solution, upload your modified AStarPathSearchImpl.cs with updated name string
You should not modify any other files in the game engine. (You can modify CustomPresetConfig.cs but don’t turn that in.) DO NOT upload the entire game engine.