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cs4650 Project 2- SQL) Solved

NOTE: You are encouraged to HELP each other on SLACK! Do not share screen shots but, assist each other on how to complete this assignment. Ask each other for help in the Questions and Answers channel.


Complete the following section:

0 SELECT basics

Some simple queries to get you started

1 SELECT name

Some pattern matching queries

2 SELECT from World

In which we query the World country profile table.

3 SELECT from Nobel

Additional practice of the basic features using a table of Nobel Prize winners.


In which we form queries using other queries.

5 SUM and COUNT (Also complete more the same)

In which we apply aggregate functions. more the same

6 JOIN (also complete music tutorial)

In which we join two tables; game and goals. previously music tutorial

7 More JOIN operations

In which we join actors to movies in the Movie Database.

8 Using Null(also complete Scottish Parliament)

In which we look at teachers in departments. previously Scottish Parliament

8+ Numeric Examples

In which we look at a survey and deal with some more complex calculations.

9- Window function

In which we examine UK general election results.

9+ COVID 19

In which we measure the impact of COVID-19

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