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cs4650 Project 1-(Excel) Solved


1a) Create a pie chart of the sales by product columns. 1b) Create a bar chart of sales by employee.

2) Filter the sales data to show only sales for the South region and then sort the sales from highest to lowest.

Save the automotive data as a .csv file. Comma Separated File.


4) Calculate the Mean, Median, Standard Deviation and Variance of the data values provided.


Use Excel’s conditional formatting to highlight the top 10% of values.

Determine the min, max, fourth largest and fifth largest values.

Calculate the equation of the line that best matches the data.

Use Excel’s What-If Analysis to determine the price change you would need to make a profit of $1,000.

9)       Forecast sales with a 90% confidence interval.


10)   Create a Pivot Table that shows sales by salesperson per month


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