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CS4600 Assignment 2: Rasterization Solution

In this assignment, we will explore basic image rasterization algorithms. This is an individual assignment, i.e., you have to work independently. All information needed to complete this homework is covered in the lectures and discussed at our Canvas Discussion Boards. You shouldn’t have to use any textbooks or online resources, but if you choose to do so, you must reference these resources in your final submission. It is strictly prohibited to reuse code or fragments of code from textbooks, online resources or other students -- in this course, this is considered academic misconduct ( / ). Do not share your homework solution with anyone -- this is also treated as academic misconduct in this course, even if nobody ends up copying your code.

The framework code is written in C++ with the following dependencies:
● OpenGL 1.0
● GL Utilities (GLU)
● C++ STL
● OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (GLEW)

The recommended IDE is Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition, which is available free of charge for educational purposes. The framework code provides precompiled dependencies for Visual Studio 2017. If you choose to use a different platform or IDE version it is your responsibility to build the dependencies and get the project to work.

The assignment should be implemented inside the provided main.cpp file using the specified subroutines. No other source code/dependencies/libraries are needed or allowed for this assignment. The provided source code, after being successfully compiled, linked, and executed, should display a black image. Your task will be to draw something into this image!
1. Line rasterization (35 points)

2. Circle rasterization (35 points)
The next task is to implement Bresenham’s algorithm for circle rasterization inside function drawCircle(int x0, int y0, int R), where (x0, y0) is the center of the circle and R is the radius. Just like in Task 1, you can assume that none of the pixels of the circle will lie outside of the g_image window. After completing Task 2, your window should look like this.

3. Interactive Drawing (30 points)
The next task is to add mouse and keyboard controls to make your program interactive. This feature will be helpful to test if your drawLine and drawCircle functions work correctly for arbitrary lines and circles.

Your program should be able to:
● Color the pixel white after a mouse click
● Use the L key to switch on the line mode
● Draw a line after 2 mouse clicks in the line mode
● Use the C key to switch on the circle mode
● Draw a circle after 2 mouse clicks in the circle mode. The first clicked point should be the center of the circle and the second clicked point should be a point on the circle.

You should complete the functions glfwMouseButtonCallback and glfwKeyCallback and the member functions of struct line and circle to achieve this.
If you are looking for additional challenges, implement an interactive drawing tool for Bezier curves and use it to rasterize a new image that will use lines, circles, and curves in a creative way. The points for the Bezier curve control polygon should be selected using the mouse clicks. Render the control polygon as well as the Bezier curve.
5. Submission
When you’re finished with Tasks 1, 2 and 3, you’ll need to submit the following:

- Source code (you should only modify the main.cpp file). The main.cpp file is all we need -- please do not submit any other files, especially NOT .exe files and other files created by Visual Studio.
- Your resulting image “out.ppm” showcasing your line and circle rasterization routines.
- [optional] If you have succeeded with Task 4, submit the code “main-extra.cpp” and an image “out-extra.ppm” showing your piece with ellipses. This way your solution of Tasks 1, 2 and 3 are clearly separated from the extra credit Task 4 -- this helps to prevent confusion when grading.

Please pack all of your files to a single ZIP file named

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