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CS456 Assignment 3- A Network on a Laptop Solution

Assignment 3
A Network on a Laptop
Work on this assignment is to be completed individually
1) Objective
The goal of this programming assignment is to get hands-on experience in computer networking by simulating a virtual network using Mininet. Mininet is a network emulator which creates a network of virtual hosts, switches, controllers, and links. This assignment will be an opportunity to comprehensively review the Internet Protocol (IP) and its forwarding fabric in a virtual Software Defined Network (SDN). Specifically, we will experiment with routing configurations and the OpenFlow protocol, which are the building blocks of a SDN. You will begin with installing Mininet and using Mininet’s Python API, implement a virtual network topology. Next, the switches in the virtual SDN will be configured to forward packets according to given rules and specifications. If the configurations are correct, the virtual hosts inside the virtual network will be able to communicate with each other. This assignment is divided into four parts: Part A, B, C, and D.

2) Background
You will find necessary background material in the following textbook chapter sections and articles:
a. Chapter 4 Section 4.4 Generalized Forwarding and SDN
b. Chapter 4 Section 4.5 Middleboxes
c. Chapter 5 Section 5.5 The SDN Control Plane
d. Mininet Documentation at

For this assignment, you will have to download a virtual box and virtual machine to run on the virtual box.
1. To download a virtual box, please download and install VirtualBox.
2. We have created a virtual machine for CS456 Computer Networking course, which includes the software needed to complete the assignment. Please download it from here, it will download as an .ova file.
To run the virtual machine, double-click on the downloaded .ova file, which will open in VirtualBox. Complete importing the appliance, our virtual machine, without changing the default settings.

Getting Started
Quick setup guide assuming you have VirtualBox installed:
1. Start the provided VM in Virtualbox.
2. After the VM boots, you will see a screen with a password prompt for the user mininet. Enter mininet as the password.
3. In the CS456 VM provided for this course, you will find all CS456 related files in the directory /home/mininet/cs456-a3
4. Open a terminal by selecting Menu->System Tools -> MATE Terminal.
5. Enter sudo mn in the terminal, you should see the following output:

The above output shows that Mininet has created a simple network topology with one switch and two hosts connected to it. Type exit, to exit the Mininet shell, then type sudo mn -c to clear the created topology.

6. The VM comes with Open vSwitch and a controller pre-installed. Open vSwitch (OVS) is used for creating a programmable switch, i.e., a switch that works with flow table rules. The controller installs the rules in the network switches based on the network topology to ensure connectivity between hosts. Mininet uses OVS and a controller in its default network. To test whether the controller works, type sudo mn --test pingall in the vm terminal. You should see an output similar to the illustration below.

Note the logs that state that Mininet is starting the controller. Also note that both hosts are reachable from one another according to the logs. Again, type in sudo mn -c to clear the created topology.
7. To see the effect of the controller, we will repeat the above command but ask Mininet to ignore the controller. Type in the command:
sudo mn --test pingall --controller=none

You should see an output like the one illustrated in the figure below.

We see that Mininet gets stuck, while waiting for the switches to connect. This is because in the absence of a controller, the switches do not have forwarding rules and do not know how to forward any of the packets.

For the first two parts of this assignment, Part A and Part B, we will be working without a controller, meaning that we will be adding static flow table entries to the switches manually, rather than having a controller do it. The objective is to learn about flow tables and forwarding rules.

3) Part A: Hands on Mininet
In this part, you will learn how to write OVS rules for forwarding packets in a custom topology. Mininet allows the simulation of arbitrary network topologies using a Python API. You will learn how to create a custom topology to run in Mininet using the API. You will also learn how to add static OVS rules to switches in a topology.

In the CS456 VM provided for this course, you will find all CS456 related files for Part A in the directory /home/mininet/cs456-a3/part-A. For Part A, the files are,, mininet_topology_full.pdf and

Running a Custom Topology
The python file, uses the Mininet Python API to create a custom topology. A pictorial representation of the network created in is in mininet_topology_full.pdf.To run the custom topology file in Mininet using the command:
sudo python

where is the name of the topology file you need to run. You will see that running, will create 10 hosts and 10 switches in a Mininet shell.

Use the commands below in the Mininet shell to explore the topology.

mininet> nodes mininet> net mininet> dump
mininet> links

The Mininet shell also allows running commands from each node. Try the following commands for example:
mininet> h1 ifconfig mininet> s1 ping s2

When running the above commands, the mininet shell will infer that the first item (h0) is the name of the node on which to run the rest of the command (ping h1); it will, behind-the-scenes, enter that node’s bash in your stead.

Furthermore, to access a specific node, you can use:
xterm node_name
In which node_name is the name of the node whose you are trying to access, e.g., h1, s1, etc. This will open a new terminal window inside the VM. Now, you can run any command, such as, ifconfig inside that window to see the interfaces of the corresponding node.

Refer to the Mininet walk through for more Mininet commands.

Adding OVS rules
The python file we have created for you creates the topology but does not create the OVS rules for forwarding packets, therefore, there is no connection between the hosts. You can verify this by running the command h0 ping h1 inside the Mininet shell and comparing the result with the previous ping. You should note that h0 cannot ping h1. You can press Ctrl+C to kill the ping command, without terminating the Mininet VM.

The shell script includes the necessary commands to enable OpenFlow version 13 and install the forwarding entries to Open vSwitches s0 and s1.

The shell script has to be executed while Mininet is running the custom topology. Therefore, while mininet VM is running the custom topology, open, a new terminal window, and change directory
(cd) to the directory /home/mininet/cs456-a3/part-A that contains the file, and run:
sudo ./

Go back to the mininet shell and try h0 ping h1 again. You will see that the ping works. Try the ping in the opposite direction, does that work as well?

Write a shell script, called to add the right flow entries in the appropriate switches to make sure that the following pairs of hosts, and only these hosts, can ping each other:
h2 ↔︎ h4 h1 ↔︎ h6 h0 ↔︎ h3.

4) Part B: Custom Topologies
In this part, you will create a custom topology using the python API for Mininet. The sample custom topology of part A,, is a good starting point for learning how to create your own topologies. For Part B, you must create the topology illustrated in Figure 1 using Mininet, such that the host Alice and Carol can ping each other, but Bob should not be able to ping either Alice or Carol.
Both the buses and routers are implemented by switches in Mininet.
You will need to submit two files for this assignment
- A python script: This will set up the topology depicted in the figure, with a L2 switch acting as a bus for each subnet (three switches for each of the three buses), and a switch acting as each of the routers (three switches for the three routers.)
- A shell script: This will set the correct OVS rules in the three routers, such that Alice and Carol can ping each other, but Bob cannot ping either of them.

Figure 1. Topology for Part B: Custom Topologies. The hosts are illustrated as square, the routers are shown as the virtual routers in purple and the black dot on them indicate a Network Interface Card (NIC).

5) Part C: Introducing the Controller
In this part, we explore the SDN controller and its value for configuring networks from a centralized component. In parts A and B, you have seen how configuring networks at a low level, even for achieving very simple requirements, can become complex and exhaustive.

However, in real world, it is often not a human operator that comes up with those OpenFlow rules! The controller is a centralized software that acts as the brains of the SDN network. Using the SDN controller, you can instruct high-level policies, such as “host A should be able to ping host B”, and let the controller figure out how that translates to low-level OpenFlow commands and deploy it on the network switching devices. The controller is a server that will run in a separate terminal than the one you will use for Mininet commands. The CS456 VM you are provided with comes with a preinstalled POX controller.

Follow the instructions below to run a topology connected to the POX controller:
2. Open a terminal, cd to ~/pox
3. Type and run the command below to start the POX controller and open its shell

./ --verbose py openflow.of_01 --port=6633 openflow.discovery forwarding.l2_learning host_tracker Note, that you will see the controller’s logs in this window after you run the mininet topology.

4. Open a different terminal window, and run the following command

sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=,port=6633
--topo=tree,depth=3 --mac --switch ovs

This will create a tree topology as illustrated below and connect it to the POX controller on port 6633 that was started in Step 3.

Figure 2. A sample tree topology available in Mininet.

5. In a new terminal window, you can explore the settings of a switch s1 and the flow rules on a switch s1 using the following commands:

sudo ovs-ofctl show s1 sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows s1

The objective of this part of the assignment, is to explore the effect of the POX controller on the network by answering the following questions.

1) Try pinging h5 from h1 (Type h1 ping h5 in mininet). The ping should succeed, even though you have not installed any OVS rules on the switches yourself. Study the output in the POX controller terminal. What has the controller done? Include a screenshot of the output as well as your interpretation of it. Make sure that the screenshot is readable. Hint: To interpret the effect of the controller, consider the path ping packets must take from h1 to
h5. Now consider the relationship of the nodes depicted in the topology illustrated in Figure 2 and the dpid of the switches in the switch settings and the output of the POX controller.

2) Take a screenshot of the ping RTT times for the first 5 ping messages. Compare the RTT of the first ping message with the subsequent ones. Is there a difference? Why or why not?

3) Open a new terminal in the CS456 VM and dump the flow rules installed on switch s1 using the command, sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows s1. Dump the flow rules on all the switches, make sure you change s1 in the command above to the appropriate switch name. Explore the flow rules installed in the switches before and after the initiating ping between hosts. Include a screenshot of the terminal showing all the dump commands and their outputs in your answer, use multiple screenshots, if necessary. The screenshots should be readable and clearly show which output pertains to which switch. Are the OVS rules like the rules you defined in part A? Do some switches have empty flow rule tables, even after the ping? If so, why? Briefly explain what kind of packet forwarding the switches achieve collectively.

6) Part D: Middle Box
A Middle Box is a real or virtual device that is placed inside the network and is used to perform some network function. A middle box network function might modify the network traffic passing through the middle box or passively collect information about it. For instance, a firewall is a network function that matches the traffic passing through it against a set of configured rules and filters out parts of the traffic e.g., dropping all traffic for a certain TCP port or allowing traffic only from certain IP addresses.

In this part of the assignment, you will write a program to install the necessary OpenFlow rules to implement a simple middlebox. Rather than deploying a complicated middlebox like a firewall or a load-balancer that requires lots of configuration by systems administrators, we will deploy a very simple middlebox that will append the utf-8 encoded string “ from the middlebox” to the payload of all the packets it receives.

In the CS456 VM provided for this course, you will find some of the CS456 related files for Part D in the directory /home/mininet/cs456-a3/partD. We will provide you with a program to send UDP packets in, the middlebox program, the custom topology, and a UDP server program in so that you can test your code. The objective of this part of the assignment will be to use the POX SDN controller to install the OpenFlow rules necessary for your middlebox to work.

Your program should be able to work in any loop-free network topology, that is, in any loop free network topology, you should be able to deploy the middlebox program, and use the UDP client program to send a message to the UDP server program and the message should have “ from the middlebox” appended to it by the time it reaches the UDP server.

We have provided you with a skeleton file at /home/mininet/pox/pox/cs456/ that you should use as a starting point for writing your controller program.

Because your program needs to run within the POX controller framework, the steps for running your program will be different than that of a traditional python program. To run your program, you will first start POX and load the required modules.

2. Open a terminal, cd to ~/pox
3. Run the following command:
./ --verbose py openflow.of_01 --port=6633
openflow.discovery forwarding.l2_learning host_tracker cs456.a3

This will start the POX command line where you can issue commands that run within the
POX controller framework. Notice that we have loaded both the
forwarding.l2_learning, the openflow.discovery and the host_tracker modules. The first, forwarding.l2_learningmodule turns every OpenFlow switch that connects to the controller into a MAC learning switch. This ensures that our ARP requests are switched through the network correctly. The openflow.discovery module enables the topology discovery features of the POX controller. In this way, an application can retrieve a graph of the network topology. A network graph reveals vital information about connectivity and reachability. We use it to compute the shortest path between the client node and the middlebox node and the middlebox node and the server node. The third module, the host_tracker, will keep track of the hosts in the network so that we can ask POX where the hosts are located and retrieve information about their MAC and IP addresses. For host tracking to work you always need to run pingall from the Mininet console, after you run the POX controller but before you test your code.

Now that you are running the POX command line you can load all the symbols from the python module that you are working on by typing:

from cs456.a3 import *

To make the assignment simpler, your application will not need to set up the flow rules to implement the middlebox functionality in real time, instead you will use the command line interface to provide your program with the following parameters:
• DPID of the switch that the client host is attached to.
• DPID of the switch that the server host is attached to.
• DPID of the switch that the middlebox host is attached to.
• Source UDP port of the traffic • Destination UDP port of the traffic

4. Your program will use this information, along with the POX APIs, to install the necessary flow rules to steer only the UDP traffic from the client host to the middlebox host and finally on to the server host. The middlebox host, should only receive the UDP traffic that matches the 4-tuple that defines the packet from the client host to the server host, with source UDP port and destination UDP port. The middlebox program should append the message “ from the middlebox” onto the payload of each of the UDP packets it receives and then transmits the augmented packet back out of its network interface.

5. The POX controller must be programmed for the middlebox functionality we require. The file /home/mininet/pox/pox/cs456/ provides the code necessary to program the POX controller. The install_udp_middlebox_flows function, which we have provided for you in the file, will print a message encouraging you to complete the assignment by adding code to this function. The skeleton file also contains some helper functions that should be useful in completing the assignment. The parameters and return values of each of the helper functions are documented within the source code. The install_udp_middlebox_flows function also contains some comments that will guide you in your completion of this part of the assignment.

To run the program in your controller, type and execute the command below in the POX command line:

install_udp_middlebox_flows(<client_dpid>,<server_dpid>,<middlebo x_dpid>,source_port,destination_port)

6. Testing Your Program. You are expected to test your implementation of install_udp_middlebox_flows using Mininet. As was mentioned earlier, your program is expected to work for in various loop-free network topologies so you should test with two or three different topologies. The mininet command line program can be used to automatically create a few different network topologies of various sizes. For example, to create a linear topology with 5 nodes and one host attached to each node run:

sudo mn --mac --topo=linear,5

We will only use the bult in linear topology, with differing number of hosts, to evaluate
your submission. However, for testing we have provided an additional custom topology. The topology is a tree topology where the branching factor of the tree is always two and there is a host connected to every node in the tree. You can instantiate this custom topology using the command:

sudo mn --mac
--custom /home/mininet/cs456-utils/

Once you have started Mininet you need to start the middlebox program on the middlebox host that you have chosen and the server program on the server host that you have chosen.

Finally, you need to follow the steps described in step 5 to run
install_udp_middlebox_flows with the DPID’s that correspond to your client, server and middlebox hosts. All the programs that are to be run on the hosts in the network are in /home/mininet/cs456-a3/part-D directory and will tell you the parameters they need if you invoke them with the --help flag.

You can start an xterm session on the client, middlebox and server hosts from the
Mininet terminal and run the appropriate programs from the /home/mininet/cs456a3/part-D directory with the correct parameters to transmit a message from client host to server host. The controller program you wrote should install the appropriate flow rules to enable the middlebox functionality that is required for Part D of this assignment. The expected result is that for every UDP packet sent from client host with source port, the server host should print a log line with the message that was sent appended with the phrase “ from the middlebox.”

7) Tips and Tricks
• Always assume that there is exactly one host connected to every switch. This assumption is easy to realize in practice by using either the Mininet linear topology or the custom tree topology that has been provided for you.
• Some documentation for Pox is available at If you’re wondering how to do something with the Pox API, you can usually find the answer on this page.
o Run the Mininet VM GUI and start an instance of Mininet using the desktop of the VM. This is important because there is no way to start shells on the mininet hosts without an X server (i.e., if you are SSHing to the VM rather than using the GUI)
o To actually write the necessary code to complete the assignment and to run POX, SSH to the Mininet VM and work in the terminal, this will let you avoid dealing with a possibly sluggish VM GUI.
o We have already setup the CS456 VM to enable SSH, you can run ssh on your local machine, by opening a terminal or through putty, to remotely login to the CS456 VM by running the ssh command below

ssh -p40000 mininet@

o If you prefer using a GUI text editor to write your code, you can set up a shared folder on the VM so that you will be able to access files on the VM from your host computer and edit them locally. For help setting up a shared folder, see shared folder setup (you can ignore the parts about installing the VirtualBox guest additions, we’ve done that for you already).
• For Part D of the assignment, you are not allowed to use OpenFlow to modify any of the traffic passing through the switches. Instead, your program should steer traffic destined for the server host to the middlebox host before the modified traffic is steered to the server host. The only modification of the traffic sent by the client with the same UDP source port will be done by the middlebox program.
• When you are debugging your implementation, remember that you can use ovs-ofctl to inspect the flow tables of the switches in the network.

8) Deliverables
1) For Part A there are two deliverables:
1) The file, which explains what each field name in the first add-flow command in the provided file means. Each field should be explained in no more than one sentence.

2) submit a file named, which includes the OVS commands that enable only the following pairs of hosts to ping each other and only each other:
h2 ↔︎ h4 h1 ↔︎ h6 h0 ↔︎ h3

OVS routing entries and comments similar to those provided to you in the walkthrough.

2) For Part B, there are two deliverables:
1) submit the Python code for implementing the topology for Part B, in a file named

2) The shell script that allows for the connection of hosts as described in part B.

3) For Part C, there is one deliverable, a file named partC.pdf that clearly answers the three questions asked in part C, by including explanations that are justified by one or more of the required screenshots.

4) For Part D, there is one deliverable, your completed /home/pox/pox/cs456/ file.

9) Instructions for Submission

You must hand in the following files / documents:
• Source code files: and
• Shell script files: and
• Written answers: in and partC.pdf

10) Additional Notes
a. Be clear about all the questions that you are answering, keeping answers brief and concise while including all the required information.
b. For answering the OpenFlow questions in Parts A and B, make sure that shell scripts containing the OVS commands work. The shell scripts will be tested and expected to provide the appropriate connectivity.
c. The python and shell scripts are expected to run seamlessly in the VM provided for the course. You do not need any additional dependencies for parts A, B and D. In case you must, provide the installation guides in a file where X is replaced by A, B or D. It is your responsibility to make sure the installation guide is clear and brief.
d. Using the Markdown syntax in the answer files is not required but encouraged.

11) Grading Rubric

Rubric Item Scenario Description Failure
Part A: Hands on Mininet (15%)
1 Question A-I: Explain the meaning of the fields in one rule, explain the meaning of the rule 2%
2 Question A-II: The connections between pairs being set up by running the shell script 6%
3 Question A-II: The remaining pairs remaining disconnected after running the shell script (should only be granted if the previous item works) 4%
4 Question A-II: the shell script is clear, easy to read and well documented. 3%
Part B: Custom Topologies (35%)
5 Question B-I: Correct specification of the network links and topology 10%
6 Question B-I: Correct specification of the hosts and IP assignments 8%
7 Question B-II: Working ping between Alice and Carol 10%
8 Question B-II: Alice and Bob must remain
disconnected, should only be granted to those who have implemented the previous one 7%
Part C: Introducing the Controller (15%)
10 Question C-I: Correct controller logs 2%
11 Question C-I: Explaining what the controller is doing 3%
12 Question C-II: Ping output and observation 2%
13 Question C-II: RTT difference justification 3%
14 Question C-III: Correct flows from all switches 3%
15 Question C-III: Explaining the collective effect of the installed flows concisely in simple language 2%
Part D: Middle Box (30%)
16 D-I: Flow rules are correctly implemented for the linear topology 15%
17 D-II: Code Inspection 15%
General: Code readability, documentation and inspection 5%

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