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CS450- Assignment 7 The interpreter and Handling Multiple Arguments Solved

The interpreter
1. Reimplement functions d:eval-exp and d:eval-term from Homework Assignment 5 according to question 7, question 8, and question 9. Implement the following effectful functions:

(a)    (env-put e x v): given a heap m return as a new state (environment-put m e x v) and as a result (d:void).

(b)    (env-push e x v): given a heap m return (environment-push m e x v)

(c)     (env-get e x): given a heap m return the same state and as a result (environment-get m e x).

Feel free to use the solution of Homework Assignment 5 as the basis of your implementation.

Handling multiple arguments
Recall the currying and uncurrying functions we learned in Lecture 11 and in Homework Assignment 2. The objective of this exercise is to perform currying as a code-transformation step.

2.   Function break-lambda takes a list of parameters p and a curried term t. If the list of parameters is empty, then the return should be a lambda with one parameter named _, and the body t. If the list of parameters is nonempty, then the return should be a curryed lambda with the same number of parameters and a body t.

3.   Function break-apply takes a curried expression ef and a list of curried expressions ea. If the argument list is empty, then the return should be calling function ef with a single argument (d:void). If the argument list is nonempty, then the return is a curried function application where ef is the function and the arguments are ea.

4.   Function d:curry takes a term (which may include sequences and definitions) and recursively curries any function declaration (lambda) and any function application contained in the given term, using the two functions above (Attention: see question 7.)

Supporting primitives
5.   Implement support for the branching primitive if in our language according to the following formal rules. Tip: Typically, both rules are implemented in the same Racket-branch.

 ec ⇓E #f I ef ⇓vf


(((if ec) et) ef) ⇓E vf
 ec ⇓E v                   v6= #f I et ⇓vt


(((if ec) et) ef) ⇓E vt
6.   (10 points) Extra credit. Implement support for built-in operations according to the formal rule below, where builtin is a value, and f is a Racket function with contract (- d:value? d:value?). Tip: to ease the implementation, consider extending the branch for function application.

 ef ⇓E (builtin f) I ea ⇓E va

(E-app-b) (ef ea) ⇓E f(va)

7.   .

(a)     Ensure d:curry calls parameter break-lambda-impl and parameter break-apply-impl instead of directly calling functions break-lambda and break-apply.

(b)    Ensure d:eval-exp calls parameter d:eval-term-impl instead of directly calling function d:eval-term.

(c)     Ensure d:eval-term calls parameter d:eval-exp-impl instead of directly calling function d:eval-exp.

8.   Rewrite d:eval-exp and d:eval-term to be monadic. Your solution should be using the do-notation, eff-bind, and eff-pure.

9.   Use pattern matching instead of boolean branching and avoid using accessor functions. Ensure your solution only uses match (your solution should not use cond nor if). Additionally, your solution must not use functions to retrieve the fields of structs and instead pattern match its contents (e.g., do not use d:lambda-params1).

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