1. Let a promise list be a promise that contains either empty, or a pair whose left element is the head of the promise list, and whose right element is the tail of the promise list, which is therefore a promise list. The goal of this exercise is to develop a library for manipulating promise lists. Note that function (promise? p) returns #t if, and only if value p is a promise, otherwise it returns #f.
(a) Define variable p:empty that is bound to the empty promise list.
(b) Implement function (p:empty? l) that returns #t if, and only if, variable l is a promise to a list. Note that each promise is its unique object, so comparison always fails. For instance,
(equal? (delay 1) (delay 1)) evaluates to #f. Thus, simply l against promise p:empty is incorrect.
(c) Manually graded. Explain if it is possible to implement a function (p:cons x l) that constructs a new promise list such that x is the head of the resulting promise list, l is the tail of the promise list, and x is not evaluated. If you answered that it is possible, then implement (p:cons x l) and write a test-case that illustrates its usage. If you answered that it is impossible, then explain how to encode such a function. Your answer must be written as a comment in the solution file that you submit.
(d) Implement function (p:first l) that obtains the head of a promise list.
(e) Implement function (p:rest l) takes a promise list and returns the tail of that promise list.
(f) Implement function (p:append l r) that concatenates two promise lists l and r. Recall the implementation of append in class. Feel free to use the non-tail recursive version.
2. Recall the Binary Search Tree (BST) we implemented in Exercise 3 of Homework Assignment 1. Function bst-list flattens a BST and yields a sorted list of the members of the BST.
(define (bst-list self)
(cond [(empty? self) self]
(bst-list (tree-left self)) (cons (tree-value self)
(bst-list (tree-right self))))]))
(a) Implement function (bst-p:list l) that returns an ordered promise list of the contents of t, by following the implementation of function bst-list.
(b) Manually graded. Give an example of a situation in which lazy evaluation outperforms eager evaluation. Use a function that manipulates promise lists to showcase your argument, e.g., functions
(p:append x y) or (bst-p:list l). Your answer must be written as a comment in the solution file that you submit.
Infinite Streams
3. Implement the notion of accumulator for infinite streams.[1]Given a stream s defined as
e0 e1 e2 ...
Function (stream-foldl f a s)
a (f e0 a) (f e1 (f e0 a)) (f e2 (f e1 (f e0 a))) ...
4. Implement a function that advances an infinite stream a given number of steps. Given a stream s defined as
e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 ...
Function (stream-skip 3 s)
e3 e4 e5 ...
Evaluating expressions
5. Extend functions r:eval-exp with support for booleans.
(a) Implement a data structure r:bool (using a struct) with a single field called value that holds a boolean. Recall Lecture 5.
(b) Extend the evaluation function to support boolean values.
(c) Extend the evaluation to support binary-operation and. The semantics of and must match Racket’s operator and. Recall that Racket’s and is not a variable to a function, but a special construct, so its usage differs from function +, for instance.
(d) Extend function + to support multiple-arguments (including zero arguments).
(e) Extend primitive and to support multiple-arguments (including zero arguments).