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CS4476 Problem Set 4 Solution

1. The assignment must be done in Python3. No other programming languages are allowed.
2. Fill your answers in the answer sheet PPT provided and submit the file under the name: FirstName_LastName_PS4.pdf on Gradescope. Please do not modify the layout of the boxes provided in the answer sheet and fit your answers within the space provided.
3. Please enter your code in the designated areas of the template Python files. Please do not add additional functions/imports to the files. Points will be deducted for any changes to code/file names, use of static paths and anything else that needs manual intervention to fix.
4. Please submit your code and output files in a zipped format, using the helper script with your GT username as a command line argument (using --gt_username), to Gradescope. Please do not create subdirectories within the main directory. The .zip_dir_list.yml file contains the required deliverable files, and will fail if all the deliverables are not present in the root directory. Feel free to comment and uncomment them as you complete your solutions.
5. For the implementation questions, make sure your code is bug-free and works out of the box. Please be sure to submit all main and helper functions. Be sure to not include absolute paths. Points will be deducted if your code does not run out of the box.
6. If plots are required, you must include them in your Gradescope report and your code must display them when run. Points will be deducted for not following this protocol.
7. Ensure that you follow the instructions very carefully.
Note that we will be using a new conda environment for this project!
1. Install Miniconda. It doesn’t matter whether you use Python 2 or 3 because we will create our own environment that uses 3 anyways.
2. Open the terminal
(a) On Windows: open the installed Conda prompt to run the command.
(b) On MacOS: open a terminal window to run the command
(c) On Linux: open a terminal window to run the command
3. Navigate to the folder where you have the project
4. Create the conda environment for this project
(a) On Windows: conda env create -f proj4_env_win.yml
(b) On MacOS: conda env create -f proj4_env_mac.yml
(c) On Linux: conda env create -f proj4_env_linux.yml
5. Activate the newly created environment
(a) On Windows: use the command conda activate proj4
(b) On MacOS: use the command source activate proj4
(c) On Linux: use the command source activate proj4
Run the notebook using jupyter notebook ./proj4_code/proj4.ipynb.
At this point, you should see the jupyter notebook in your web browser. Follow all the instructions in the notebook for both the code + report portions of this project.
1 Color Quantization with K-Means [25 Points]
For this problem you will write code to quantize an image using k-means clustering and experiment with two different color spaces - RGB and HSV. Complete the functions defined below in
1. (7 points) Given an RGB image, quantize the 3-dimensional RGB space, and map each pixel in the input image to its nearest k-means center. That is, replace the RGB value at each pixel with its nearest cluster’s average RGB value. Use the following form:
[quantizedImg, clusterCenterColors] = quantizeRGB(origImg, k)
where origImg and quantizedImg are MxNx3 matrices of type uint8, k specifies the number of colors to quantize to, and clusterCenterColors is a k x 3 array of the k centers. Use proj4.ipynb to run your implemented function and generate quantized images (for the file fish.jpg) with 3, 5 and 10 clusters using both RGB and HSV color spaces. Put these images in your report. (You can use the Scikit-Learn implementation of the k-means algorithm for this question.)
2. (7 points) Given an RGB image, convert to HSV, and quantize the 1-dimensional Hue space. Map each pixel in the input image to its nearest quantized Hue value, while keeping its Saturation and Value channels the same as the input. Convert the quantized output back to RGB color space. Use the following form:
[quantizedImg, clusterCenterHues] = quantizeHSV(origImg, k)
where origImg and quantizedImg are MxNx3 matrices of type uint8, k specifies the number of clusters, and clusterCenterHues is a k x 1 vector of the hue centers. Use proj4.ipynb to run your implemented function and generate quantized images (for the file fish.jpg) with 3, 5 and 10 clusters using both RGB and HSV color spaces. Put these images in your report. (You can use the Scikit-Learn implementation of the k-means algorithm for this question.)
3. (5 points) Write a function to compute the SSD error (sum of squared error) between the original RGB pixel values and the quantized values, with the following form:
[error] = computeQuantizationError(origImg, quantizedImg)
where origImg and quantizedImg are both RGB images, and error is a scalar giving the total SSD error across the image. Write down the logarithmic error (base e) for all the generated RGB and HSV images (3, 5 and 10 clusters) in your report.
NOTE: The function should not return logarithmic error. To pass all the tests in the notebook and on Gradescope, please use sklearn.cluster.KMeans for clustering and set random_state to 101.
4. (6 points) Answer the following questions in your report. Please try to restrict your answers to 1-2 sentences of fairly high-level explanations.
(a) (2 points) How do the results vary with the number of quantization bins?
(b) (2 points) How are the qualitative results between RGB and HSV color spaces different? How would you explain this difference?
(c) (2 points) Name and explain 2 metrics (apart from SSD) used for comparing the generated/modified image (here the modified image is the quantized image) with the original one.
2 Circle Detection with Hough Transform [40 Points]
1. (16 + 4 = 20 points) Implement a Hough Transform circle detector that takes an input image and a fixed radius, and returns the centers and radii of any detected circles of about that size and the Hough space used for finding the centers. Include a function with the following form:
[circles, houghAccumulator] = detectCircles(im, radius, threshold, useGradient)
where im is the input image (a matrix of size MxNx3 of type uint8), radius specifies the size of circle we are looking for, threshold corresponds to the voting threshold used to identify circles from the accumulator array and useGradient is a boolean flag that allows the user to optionally exploit the gradient direction measured at the edge points. Identify circle candidates by thresholding to find local maxima in the hough space.
The output circles is an Kx3 matrix in which each row lists the (x,y) position of a detected circle’s center and the corresponding radii – i.e., a row contains the elements [x, y, radius]. Similarly, houghAccumulator is an MxN matrix denoting the Hough Accumulator array. Complete the implementation of the function in the file and briefly explain your implementation in concise steps in the report (English, not code).
2. (10 points) Circle detection on synthetic images. In this part, we will check the output of your implementation on the provided synthetically generated image, im1.jpg.
(a) (6 points) Demonstrate the output of the function applied to the image im1.jpg to detect circles of radii 75, 90, 100 and 143 by setting useGradient to True and False. In each case, display the images with the detected circle(s), labeling the figure with the circumference and center. Include the outputs for each case in your report.
3. (10 points) Circle detection on real images. Demonstrate the output of the function applied to the real image biliards.jpg. Check if your implementation is capable of identifying the balls by varying the radii in the range 17-20. You might have to modulate the threshold parameter for this part – try varying the same between low to high ranges (see 2.2(b)). In the report, include images with the detected circle(s), labeling the figure with the circumference and center. You can set useGradient to either True or False.
3 [Extra Credit] Circle Detection with Hough Transform on Real Images with Unknown Radii [10 points]
Extend your Hough circle detector implementation to detect circles of any radius. Optimize your code for the image jupiter.jpg. You would be awarded points proportional to the number of circles detected. Detecting all of the circles gives you the maximum credit. Be sure to include the generated results in your report.
Tips, Tricks, and Common Problems
• Make sure you’re not swapping x and y coordinates at some point. If your interest points aren’t showing up where you expect or if you’re getting out of bound errors you might be swapping x and y coordinates. Remember, images expressed as NumPy arrays are accessed image[y,x].
• Useful Modules: numpy, scipy, skimage, matplotlib.
• Useful Functions: scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2, numpy.gradient, numpy.arctan skimage.color.rgb2hsv, skimage.color.rgb2gray, skimage.feature.canny sklearn.cluster.Kmeans, scipy.misc, scipy.ndimage.
• If the variable img is a 3d matrix containing a color image, img.reshape(-1, 3) will yield a 2d matrix with the RGB features as its rows.
Code: The score for each part is provided below. Please refer to the submission results on Gradescope for a detailed breakdown.
Part 1: Color Quantization 25
Part 2: Circle Detection 40
Extra Credit 10
Total 65 (+10)
Submission Instructions and Deliverables
Code zip: The following code deliverables will be uploaded as a zip file on Gradescope.
1. proj4_code/
(a) quantizeRGB()
(b) quantizeHSV()
(c) computeQuantizationError()
2. proj3_code/
(a) detectCircles()
3. proj4_code/proj4.ipynb
Do not create this zip manually! You are supposed to use the command python
–gt_username <username> for this.
Report: The final thing to upload is the PDF export of the report on gradescope. To summarize, the deliverables are as follow:
• Submit the code as zip on Gradescope at PS4 - Code
• Submit the report as PDF on Gradescope at PS4 - Report. Please refer to the pptx template where we have detailed the points associated with each question.
There is no submission to be done on Canvas. Good luck!

This iteration of the assignment is developed by Prithvijit Chattopadhyay and Judy Hoffman. This assignment was originally developed by James Hays, Samarth Brahmbhatt, and John Lambert, and updated by Judy Hoffman, Mitch Donley, and Vijay Upadhya.

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