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CS4395 Intro to NLP -Solved

An employee file has been created in an obsolete system. Your task is to read in the file, process the text 
to be more standardized as described below, create an object for each person with corrections from the 
user, and output each person’s information. 
Input: The input file (data.csv) looks like this. 
Last,First,Middle Initial,ID,Office phone 
jason,jake,,WH409,555 777 2094 
Krishna,krishna,k,SA9384,555 888 0093 
1. Download the csv file from the GitHub and place it 
in a folder named data within the same folder as 
your Python program. Here is a screen shot of the 
folder structure to make this clearer. Also, TAs 
from previous semesters told me they would CS 4395 Intro to NLP 
Dr. Karen Mazidi 
Caution: All course work is run through plagiarism detection software comparing 
students’ work as well as work from previous semesters and other sources. 
prefer that your uploads to eLearning include your netid. You can name the Python file in your 
GitHub any name you wish. 
2. The user needs to specify the relative path ‘data/data.csv’ in a sysarg. If the user does not 
specify a sysarg, print an error message and end the program. Read the file, making sure your 
program will work on either a Windows or Mac/Unix. See the Paths Demo in the Xtra folder of 
the GitHub: 
3. Define a Person class with fields: last, first, mi, id, and phone. In addition to the init method, 
create a display() method to output fields as shown in the sample run below. 
4. Create a function to process the input file. Get rid of the first line which is just the heading line. 
For the remaining lines: 
a. split on comma to get the fields as text variables 
b. modify last name and first name to be in Capital Case, if necessary 
c. modify middle initial to be a single upper case letter, if necessary. Use ‘X’ as a middle 
initial if one is missing. 
d. modify id if necessary, using regex. The id should be 2 letters followed by 4 digits. If an 
id is not in the correct format, output an error message, and allow the user to re-enter a 
valild ID. See the sample run below for data corrections. 
e. modify phone number, if necessary, to be in form 999-999-9999. Use regex. 
f. Once the data for a person is correct, create a Person object and save the object 
to a dict of persons, where id is the key. Check for duplicate id and print an error 
message if an ID is repeated in the input file. 
g. Return the dict of persons to the main function. 
5. In the main function, save the dictionary as a pickle file. Open the pickle file for read, and print 
each person using the Person display() method to verifiy that the pickle was unpickled correctly. 
There is a sample pickle notebook in the Xtras folder in the GitHub. 
6. Make sure you have good comments in your code. Check the “Deliverables” section above. 
Grading Rubric: 
Step 1 Set up input file 

Step 2 Set up sysarg for the file name 

Step 3 Create the person class 
Step 4 Process the text 
Step 5 Pickle and print 
Step 6 Comments in program; program overview in portfolio 
100CS 4395 Intro to NLP 
Dr. Karen Mazidi 
Caution: All course work is run through plagiarism detection software comparing 
students’ work as well as work from previous semesters and other sources. 
Sample run: 
ID invalid: S4454 
ID is two letters followed by 4 digits 
Please enter a valid id: SA4454 
Phone 555-877.4321 is invalid 
Enter phone number in form 123-456-7890 
Enter phone number: 555-877-4321 
ID invalid: WH409 
ID is two letters followed by 4 digits 
Please enter a valid id: WH5409 
Employee list: 
Employee id: WH1234 
Smitty S Smith 
Employee id: SA4454 
Witty W Williams 
Employee id: OF4321 
Luka L Luka 
Employee id: WH5409 
Jake X Jason 
Employee id: SA9384 
Krishna K Krishna 
Process finished with exit code 0 
• Note: Don’t get bogged down in the specific instructions for the text processing. Feel free to use 
your own judgement as to the best way to process the text. What I have outlined above is the 
minimum, feel free to go farther. 
Helpful Notebooks 
- pickle: 
- file I/O: 
- using sysarg: 

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