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CS4395 Homework 5 -Solved

1. Program 1: Build separate language models for 3 languages as follows. 
a. create a function with a filename as argument 
b. read in the text and remove newlines 
c. tokenize the text 
d. use nltk to create a bigrams list 
e. use nltk to create a unigrams list 
f. use the bigram list to create a bigram dictionary of bigrams and counts, [‘token1 token2’] -> 
g. use the unigram list to create a unigram dictionary of unigrams and counts, [‘token’] -> 
h. return the unigram dictionary and bigram dictionary from the function 
i. in the main body of code, call the function 3 times for each training file, pickle the 6 
dictionaries, and save to files with appropriate names. The reason we are pickling them in 
one program and unpickling them in another is that NLTK ngrams is slow and if you put this 
all in one program, you may waste a lot of time waiting for ngrams() to finish.CS 4395 Intro to NLP 
2. Program 2. 
a. Read in your pickled dictionaries.
b. For each line in the test file, calculate a probability for each language (see note below) and 
write the language with the highest probability to a file. 
c. Compute and output your accuracy as the percentage of correctly classified instances in the 
test set. The file LangId.sol holds the correct classifications. 
d. output your accuracy, as well as the line numbers of the incorrectly classified items 
3. Narrative. Write a one-page or more narrative about Ngrams: 
a. what are n-grams and how are they used to build a language model 
b. list a few applications where n-grams could be used 
c. a description of how probabilities are calculated for unigrams and bigrams 
d. the importance of the source text in building a language model 
e. the importance of smoothing, and describe a simple approach to smoothing 
f. describe how language models can be used for text generation, and the limitations of this 
g. describe how language models can be evaluated 
h. give a quick introduction to Google’s n-gram viewer and show an example 
4. Create a link to your programs and narrative on your index page 
Hints for the programs: 
Creating the dictionaries in Program 1: 
You can use the NLTK ngrams() function to create a bigrams and a unigrams generator object. Then you 
can iterate over each to create the dictionary using Python’s .count() string method to extract counts 
from the text you read in. 
Calculating probabilities in Program 2: 
The probabilities will be large enough so that you don’t need to use logs, we will simply multiply the 
probabilities together. Each bigram’s probability with Laplace smoothing is: (b + 1) / (u + v) where b is 
the bigram count, u is the unigram count of the first word in the bigram, and v is the total vocabulary 
size (add the lengths of the 3 unigram dictionaries). 

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