Project Overview: This project is to investigate polymorphism in C++. In C++, polymorphism allows the main function to be written before an actual class is defined. In this project, you will download from Blackboard the file main.cpp that contains the main function and the two files (Shape.h and Shape.cpp) that define a base class named Shape to represent a 3D shape. The Shape base class has a shape name represented by a private instance variable called name, but it does not have any other details on the shape. However, the base class has four (4) pure virtual functions: getArea (to compute the surface area of the shape), getVolume (to compute the volume of the shape), test (to test whether the shape satisfies a list of conditions), and getInfo (to form a string that describes the shape). You are asked to write four (4) derived classes: Sphere, Cylinder, Torus, and Box to represent four actual 3D shapes.
• A sphere is defined by its radius.
• A cylinder is defined by the radius of its base and its height.
• A torus (aka donut) has two radii, small and big. A torus is formed by rotating a small circle (defined by the small radius) about an axis on the same plane. The center of the rotating circle forms a bigger circle (defined by the big radius). (To compute the surface area and the volume correctly, the small radius will not be bigger than the big radius.)
• A box has length, width, and height.
For each derived class, you need to have one header file (with the .h extension) and one implementation file (with the .cpp extension). However, you can use any name for the file, any name for the class, and any names for the instance variables. The main function does not need to know the class names you will use. The only requirement is that each derived class must be derived from the Shape base class, which will force you to implement the four virtual functions in the derived class. Polymorphism enables the main function to invoke a function of a derived class in the future by just calling the corresponding virtual function of the base class.
To test the program, we assume that the shapes will be stored in a data file that will be passed to the program as a command line argument. Each shape will occupy one line in the data file. Each line starts with the <name> that is a
string, followed by the type (sphere, cylinder, torus or box). The rest will be doubles to represent the dimensions of the shape.
<name> sphere <radius>
<name> cylinder <radius> <height>
<name> torus <small_radius> <big_radius>
<name> box <length> <width> <height>
In principle, you can use any file format as long as you can present a list of shapes to the main function. However, in order to test everyone’s program using the same data set, you have to prepare the data files using the above format. You can download a sample data file named shapes.dat from Blackboard for an example. It contains the following shapes.
Cube#1 box 1 1 1
Cube#2 box 2 2 2
Donut#1 torus 1 1
Cyl#1 cylinder 1 1
Case#1 box 2 4 6
Case#2 box 10.5 21 10.5
UnitSphere sphere 1
LargeSphere sphere 100
Donut#2 torus 3 7
Cyl#2 cylinder 1 2
You need to write a function named readFrom that will return a pointer to a vector of shapes read from a data file with its name given as a parameter to the function. The function has the following signature.
std::vector<Shape*> *readFrom(std::string);
The signature is stored in a file named reading.h that you can also download from Blackboard. You need to create a .cpp file to implement the function. You can assume the data files to test your program will always follow the correct format as described above. However, if the file can’t be opened for reading, you shall return a pointer to an empty vector.
As mentioned earlier, you need to implement four virtual functions in each of four derived classes. Please search to find out how to compute the surface area and the volume of each shape. For the getInfo function, please see the sample execution at the end on how to format the output string. The test function is to test whether the shape satisfies a list of conditions. The list of conditions is passed to the function as a parameter, and it is a vector of strings. The number of strings in the vector will always be a multiple of 3. Three consecutive strings form a test condition in the <name> <op> <value> form. The <name> string will be “type”, “area” or “volume”. The <op> string is one of the six relational operators (“==”, “!=”, “>=”, “<=”, “>”, and “<”). The <value> string is the reference value in the string format to be compared with. For the test function to return true, all the test conditions have to be true. For example, if the string vector contains 9 strings: “type” “>” “cyl” “area” “<=” “1000” “volume” “>” “100.5”, the function returns true if the shape type is greater than “cyl” (i.e. any shape type but box) and the surface area is less than or equal to 1000 and the volume is greater than 100.5. If the vector is empty (containing no testing conditions), the function will always return true. Please see the getTestConditions function in main.cpp to see how a list of test conditions is built.
In this project, you need to create a makefile to compile your program as we do not know the file names you will use. Please use the –Wall -std=c++11 options when compiling your program with g++. The executable of this program shall be named as a.out regardless of the operating system you are using (using the -o a.out option with g++). Your makefile shall support the commands "make" to produce a.out, and "make clean" to remove a.out and any object files (with the .o extension).
What You Need To Do
• Create a directory named project5 on your machine. Download main.cpp, Shape.h, Shape.cpp reading.h, and shapes.dat from Blackboard to the project5 directory. You can make changes to shapes.dat to add more shapes, but make no changes to the other C++ files. (In reality, you will be given the object files with the .o extension instead of the source code. For simplicity, you are given the source code, and your job is to compile them into the object files based on your operating system as if you were given the object files. Therefore, do not change any downloaded C++files.)
• Add four (4) derived classes as requested. Each class shall have its own header and implementation. You can add more derived classes for additional shapes and the main function will work with them correctly without any changes.
• Create a .cpp file to implement the readFrom function, based on its signature in reading.h.
• Create a makefile that supports the commands "make" to produce a.out, and "make clean" to remove a.out and any object files. Your makefile will be used to compile your program to produce a.out, and a.out will be used to test your program.
• When you are ready to submit your project, compress your project5 directory into a single (compressed) zip file, project5.zip. No other compressed files will be accepted.
• Once you have a compressed zip file named project5.zip, submit that zip file to Blackboard.
• Your submission will be graded on cs-parallel.ua.edu. Make sure to test it on that machine before submission.
This document including its associated files is for your own personal use only.
An assignment shall be completed individually, with no sharing of code or solutions.
A sample execution of the program
$ ./a.out shapes.dat
Enter a command: print
Box: Cube#1, Length=1.00, Width=1.00, Height=1.00
Surface Area: 6.00, Volume: 1.00
Box: Cube#2, Length=2.00, Width=2.00, Height=2.00
Surface Area: 24.00, Volume: 8.00
Torus: Donut#1, Small Radius=1.00, Big Radius=1.00
Surface Area: 39.48, Volume: 19.74
Cylinder: Cyl#1, Radius=1.00, Height=1.00
Surface Area: 12.57, Volume: 3.14
Box: Case#1, Length=2.00, Width=4.00, Height=6.00
Surface Area: 88.00, Volume: 48.00
Box: Case#2, Length=10.50, Width=21.00, Height=10.50
Surface Area: 1102.50, Volume: 2315.25
Sphere: UnitSphere, Radius=1.00
Surface Area: 12.57, Volume: 4.19
Sphere: LargeSphere, Radius=100.00
Surface Area: 125663.71, Volume: 4188790.20
Torus: Donut#2, Small Radius=3.00, Big Radius=7.00
Surface Area: 829.05, Volume: 1243.57
Cylinder: Cyl#2, Radius=1.00, Height=2.00
Surface Area: 18.85, Volume: 6.28
Enter a command: print2
Enter test condition #1: type == box
Enter test condition #2: area >= 88
Box: Case#1, Length=2.00, Width=4.00, Height=6.00
Surface Area: 88.00, Volume: 48.00
Box: Case#2, Length=10.50, Width=21.00, Height=10.50
Surface Area: 1102.50, Volume: 2315.25
Enter a command: count1
Enter test condition #1: type > cyl There are 6 shapes.
Enter a command: count1
Enter test condition #1: type == box There are 4 shapes.
Enter a command: show show: invalid action
Valid actions: print count min max total avg
Enter help for help
Enter a command: quit