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CS4023D Assignment 1 Solution

1: Implement a simulator of simple reflex agent for the vacuum cleaner environment as shown below and with the assumptions that follow.


Run your simulator for all the possible initial dirt configurations and agent locations. Show the performance measure for each configuration. Also display the
state space search graph. 4 marks
2. Develop a MiniMax algorithm based game agent for the following game description. Provide options for a human player to play with your agent.
Consider a two player game. Assume there are some piles of stones. At each turn, a player can remove any number of stones from any single pile. A player loses, if there are no stones left on his turn.
An evaluation score of 1 if Player 1 wins, -1 if Player 2 wins and 0 for a tie (if possible). Assume that both players play optimally.
Assume there are two piles and accept the number of stones in each pile at the bginning of the game. Show the moves taken by the winning player in the game tree. 6 marks
Submission guidelines
• You can use any programming language.
• You have to submit a single zip file (at the Eduserver) containing two folders: one for each question, with all the related source codes.
• A PDF file containing sample outputs (for different cases of each question) and the design details must also be provided in the zip file.
• Please name your zip file in the format Firstname_Rollnumber.pdf

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