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CS401 Homework 4 Markov Decision Process-Solved

Please find the optimal path under a given grid map with reward using Markov Decision Process (MDP) Note:

 white: the start position red: the goal position green: the obstacle black: ground obstacle reward: -10 goal reward: 10 others: -1 over the bound: -5

 Coding instruction
Install the intelligent robotics simulator

git clone -b edu cd intelligent-robot-simulator pip install -e . 

Note1: Please confirm that this repository is under the edu branch. You can use git branch to check current branch. If it is not under the edu branch, you can use git checkout edu to change current branch to edu branch.

Note2: The pycharm reduces the functionality of Matplotlib, which may lead to the failure of saving the gif animation. You can follow this link to solve this problem

Note3: If you have installed this simulator, you can use git pull to fetch the code update.

Code for question

There are five files for this question in the source folder,,,, map_matrix.npy, and reward_matrix.npy is the main program you should run is the file to perform Markov Decision Process. You should complete the functions include value iteration and policy iteration in this file for the coding task. is the file that defines the class about the grid map for you to use. map_matrix.npy and reward_matrix.npy define the map and the reward in each grid.

You should complete the file and run to show the simulation results. You can set the parameter animation = True in to generate the animation such as the follows.

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