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CS360 - ML Lab - Assignment 3 - Solved

Simple Linear Regression (One feature)                      Marks: 3 +

3 = 6  

1.  Implement the linear regression using the (a) Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Method and (b) Gradient Descent Algorithm

                  Dataset: Swedish Auto Insurance dataset. Click her​  e to download​  

i)       You need to split the dataset into train(60%), validation (20%), and test(20%).

ii)     Print the train, validation, and test accuracy



Multiple Linear Regression                            Marks: 4


2.  Implement the linear regression using the Gradient Descent


Dataset: Boston house pricing dataset.

Hint to load the dataset from sklearn import datasets boston = datasets.load_boston(return_X_y=False)  


i)       You need to split the dataset into train(60%), validation (20%), and test(20%).

ii)     Print the train, validation, and test accuracy


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