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CS352 - Project 0 - Solved

This is a simple project intended to get you used to python sockets and the formalities of projects like the readme. This exercise will serve as the foundation for the upcoming programming projects. A sample working client code is given to you in  You also have a set of key:value pairs in a file called Pairs.txt . 



Your job is to write the corresponding Server code. The goal of the server is to get any string sent to it, and see if it is a key in the Pairs file. If it is it should send back the value, otherwise send back “NOT FOUND”. Lastly it should then close gracefully when the client is done sending strings. A sample output and input file has also been provided. Note that the exact pairs found in Pairs.txt might be different. Also note that the client can only access pairs by sending a message to the server and not directly.



Please do not assume that all programs will run on the same machine or that all

connections are made to the local host.  We might test your

programs with local and remote socket connections, for example with,

And each running on a different machine. You must

ensure that the programs can work both across multiple machines and on one machine.



The programs must work with the following command lines:



python PORT




By default the client reads from a file called source_strings.txt and writes to a file called results.tx-



In addition to your programs, you must also submit a README file with clearly

delineated sections for the following.



0. Please write down the full names and netids of both your team members.

1. Are there known issues or functions that aren't working currently in your

   attached code? If so, explain. (note that you will get half credit for any reasonably sized bug that is fully explained in the readme)

3. What problems did you face developing code for this project? Around how long did you spend on this project 


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