In this assignment, you will use your differentiation functions from Assignment 1 to write functions that detect local extrema and inflection points.
Problem 1: Polynomials
Let us assume that we will work with polynomials of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degrees. Let us further assume that we will represent each polynomial member explicitly. For example, a 2x2− 1 will be represented as 2x2 + 0x − 1, 3x2 + 5x as 3x2 +5x+0, and 4x3 +10x as 4x3 +0x2 +10x+0. Representing everything explicitly allows us to avoid getting bogged down in many special algebraic cases we would otherwise have to code. Another simplification that we will adopt is that every polynomial will start with the member of the highest degree. In other words, 10 + 0.005x − 0.78x2 will be represented as −0.78x2 + 0.005x + 10.
Before we can do the derivative tests, we need to implement a couple of functions that find the zeros of polynomials. Toward that end, implement a function find_poly_1_zeros(expr) that takes a functional representation of a 1st degree polynomial, finds its zero point, and returns it as a constant object (see for the definition of the const class). Write your code in included in the zip. Below is a test run to find the zero of 2x + 5.
We represent 2x+5 with a couple of functions from to save ourselves some typing.
from maker import make_prod, make_const, make_pwr, make_plus
f1 = make_prod(make_const(2.0), make_pwr(’x’, 1.0))
f2 = make_plus(f1, make_const(5.0))
print f2
On to finding the zeros of this polynomial.
z = find_poly_1_zeros(f2)
isinstance(z, const)
print z -2.5
To test if this is a true zero, we convert the polynomial’s representation to a function with tof and test if it returns 0 when applied to the value of the constant z, i.e, 2.5.
from tof import tof
f = tof(f2)
assert f(z.get_val()) == 0.0
Here is another test case which finds the zero of 3x + 100.
def test_01():
f1 = make_prod(make_const(3.0), make_pwr(’x’, 1.0))
f2 = make_plus(f1, make_const(100.0)) print f2 print is_pwr_1(f1) z = find_poly_1_zeros(f2) f2f = tof(f2) assert f2f(z.get_val()) == 0.0 print str(z)
Below is the output by test_01() in the Python Shell.
We need to handle 2nd degree polynomials as well. So, implement a function find_poly_2_zeros(expr) that takes a functional representation of a 2nd degree polynomial, finds its zero point, and returns it as a constant object. Write your code in included in the zip. Below is a test to find the zeros of
0.5x2 + 6x.
def test_02():
f0 = make_prod(make_const(0.5), make_pwr(’x’, 2.0)) f1 = make_prod(make_const(6.0), make_pwr(’x’, 1.0)) f2 = make_plus(f0, f1) poly = make_plus(f2, make_const(0.0)) print poly zeros = find_poly_2_zeros(poly) for c in zeros:
print c
pf = tof(poly) for c in zeros: assert abs(pf(c.get_val()) - 0.0) <= 0.0001
Here is the output of running test_02() in the shell.
Problem 2: Derivative Tests
Implement a function loc_xtrm_1st_drv_test(fexpr) that takes a representation of a 2nd- or 3rd-degree polynomial and uses the 1st-derivative test to find its local extrema. Write your code in included in the zip. You may assume that loc_xtrm_1st_drv_test will handle functions with 0, 1, or, at most, 2 local extrema.
The function loc_xtrm_1st_drv_test(fexpr) returns a list, possibly empty, of 2-tuples. The first element of each 2-tuple is the string ’min’ or ’max’ and the second element is a point2d object (see that represents an extreme point.
The class point2d is a simple model of 2D points. The two members of each point2d object (i.e., __x__ and __y__) are the constants representing the xand y-coordinates of an extreme point. Here is a quick example of how you can construct point2d objects, check their types, and get their members.
from maker import make_point2d
from point2d import point2d
p1 = make_point2d(1.0, 2.0)
<class ’point2d.point2d’
x = p1.get_x()
y = p1.get_y()
<class ’const.const’ type(y)
<class ’const.const’
print p1
(1.0, 2.0)
isinstance(p1, point2d)
Here is a test that calls loc_xtrm_1st_drv_test(fexpr) to compute the local extrema of
def test_03():
f1 = make_prod(make_const(1.0/3.0), make_pwr(’x’, 3.0)) f2 = make_prod(make_const(-2.0), make_pwr(’x’, 2.0)) f3 = make_prod(make_const(3.0), make_pwr(’x’, 1.0)) f4 = make_plus(f1, f2) f5 = make_plus(f4, f3) poly = make_plus(f5, make_const(1.0)) print ’f(x) = ’, poly xtrma = loc_xtrm_1st_drv_test(poly) for i, j in xtrma: print i, str(j)
test_03() f(x) = ((((0.333333333333*(x^3.0))+(-2.0*(x^2.0)))+(3.0*(x^1.0)))+1.0) max (1.0, 2.33333333333) min (3.0, 1.0)
Here is a test of a cubic function with no local extrema. The function is 27x3− 27x2 + 9x − 1.
def test_04():
f1 = make_prod(make_const(27.0), make_pwr(’x’, 3.0)) f2 = make_prod(make_const(-27.0), make_pwr(’x’, 2.0)) f3 = make_prod(make_const(9.0), make_pwr(’x’, 1.0)) f4 = make_plus(f1, f2) f5 = make_plus(f4, f3) f6 = make_plus(f5, make_const(-1.0)) print ’f(x) = ’, f6 drv = deriv(f6) assert not drv is None print ’f\’(x) = ’, drv xtrma = loc_xtrm_1st_drv_test(f6) assert xtrma is None
The output of test_04() is as follows.
test_04() f(x) = ((((27.0*(x^3.0))+(-27.0*(x^2.0)))+(9.0*(x^1.0)))+-1.0)
f’(x) = ((((27.0*(3.0*(x^2.0)))+(-27.0*(2.0*(x^1.0))))+(9.0*(1.0*(x^0.0))))+0.0)
On to the 2nd derivative test. Implement a function loc_xtrm_2nd_drv_test(fexpr) that takes a representation of a second- or third-degree polynomial and uses the second-derivative test to find its local extrema. Write your code in included in the zip. You may assume that this function will only handle functions with 0, 1, or 2 local extrema. Like loc_xtrm_1st_drv_test(fexpr), this function returns a list, possibly empty, of 2-tuples. The first element of each 2-tuple is the string ’min’ or ’max’ and the second element is a point2d object that represents an extreme point. Here is a test that finds the local extrema of
def test_05():
f1 = prod(mult1=make_const(1.0/4.0),
mult2=make_pwr(’x’, 2.0)) f2 = prod(mult1=make_const(-1.0), mult2=make_pwr(’x’, 1.0))
f3 = plus(elt1=f1, elt2=f2) f4 = plus(elt1=f3, elt2=make_const(2.0)) print f4 xtrma = loc_xtrm_2nd_drv_test(f4) for i, j in xtrma:
print i, str(j)
assert len(xtrma) == 1 and \ xtrma[0][1].get_x().get_val() == 2.0 and \ xtrma[0][1].get_y().get_val() == 1.0
Below is the output of test_05() in the Python Shell.
(((0.25*(x^2.0))+(-1.0*(x^1.0)))+2.0) min (2.0, 1.0)
Problem 3: Inflection Points
We are ready to look for inflection points. Implement a function find_infl_pnts(expr) that takes a representation of a function and returns a list, possibly empty, of its inflection points represented as point2d objects. Write your code in included in the zip. The function test_06() below returns one inflection point of x3−3x2 +5. Note that in test_06, the polynomial is represented as x3− 3x2 + 0x + 5.
def test_06():
f1 = make_pwr(’x’, 3.0) f2 = make_prod(make_const(-3.0), make_pwr(’x’, 2.0)) f3 = make_plus(f1, f2) f4 = make_plus(f3, make_prod(make_const(0.0), make_pwr(’x’, 1.0))) poly = make_plus(f4, make_const(5.0)) print poly infls = find_infl_pnts(poly) for ip in infls: print str(ip)
Here is the output in the Python Shell.
f(x) = ((((x^3.0)+(-3.0*(x^2.0)))+(0.0*(x^1.0)))+5.0) (1.0, 3.0)