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CS342 - Advanced Operating System  - Assignment 2 - Disk Scheduling  - Solved

You should try to compare the output after applying all the following disk scheduling algorithms (FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, C-SCAN, LOOK and C-LOOK) as well as the newly optimized algorithm

by implementing their algorithms and applying it on a disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders.

Example of cylinders I/O requests:

98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67 

Initial head start cylinder: 53 

The newly optimized algorithm procedure and flowchart are found in page 10 in the following paper: 


The following information should be followed:

1-      The Input queue like above should be an input to your program from the command line, from a file or through GUI.

2-      The Initial head start cylinder should also be an input to your program and entered by the user.

3-      The output result should show the sequence of head movement to access the requested cylinders based on the implemented algorithms.

4-      Also, show the total head movement per algorithm.

5-      You should summarize the newly optimized algorithm in your own words.

** 1 Bonus Grade for visualizing the sequence of the head movements using GUI

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