In this project, our input is an array of doubles, where each entry A[i] denotes the price of a stock (or some other asset) on the ith day. So for example, if A = [5, 2, 3, 6, 1, 3] then this means that the stock in question was worth 5 on day 0, it was worth 3 on day 2, etc. We will consider buying the stock once and then later selling it once (of course we must sell the stock after we have bought it). If we buy the stock on buyDay and we sell the stock on sellDay, then the goal is to maximize our profit A[sellDay] – A[buyDay]. In the example above, the optimal solution is for buyDay to be 1 (buying at the price A[1] = 2) and sellDay to be 3 (selling at the price A[3] = 6). This gives us a profit of 4.
Stating the parameters formally:
• We must sell on a different day than we buy, and we must sell after we buy. In other words, we must have buyDay < sellDay.
• This means that if A has <= 1 number in it, there is no feasible solution. This will affect the base case of your algorithm!
• The return value should be the optimal profit (you don’t need to return the exact days you are buying and selling). So in the example above, we would return 4.
• Your output should print the following to standard output (e.g., using printf() or System.out.println(), etc.):
o The optimal solution for input.txt is X. o Here, input.txt should be whatever the name of the given input file is, and X should be the actual optimal solution.
This problem is not hard to get a solution that works using two nested for-loops (it runs in time O(n^2)). We are wanting to improve this to a divide and conquer algorithm that runs in O(n*log n) time. If you do not give a divide and conquer algorithm for this project, you will get a 0. The entire point of this project is to design a divide and conquer algorithm, not just to get some solution that works.
How to code this project:
For the most part, you can code this project in any language you want provided that the language is supported on the Fox servers at UTSA. We want you to use a language that you are very comfortable with so that implementation issues do not prevent you from accomplishing the project. That said, we will be compiling and running your code on the Fox servers, so you need to pick a language that is already installed on those machines. See the PDFs on Blackboard in the Programming Projects folder for more information on how to connect to the Fox servers remotely (also covered in the Programming Project 1 overview lecture).
Since everyone is coding in their own preferred language, we are asking you to provide a bash script named project1.sh that will act similarly to a makefile. I covered how bash scripts work in class in the Project 1 overview lecture, and I recorded a short follow-up to this here:
In short, your bash script should contain the command to compile your code, and then on a different line, it should contain the line to execute your code. There are several input files for you to test your code on, and the bash script should take a command line argument specifying which input file to run on. So, the command to execute your code should look like this:
bash project1.sh input.txt
See the YouTube video that I linked for more details on how to use command line arguments inside a bash script.
Files provided in the project:
Violations of the UTSA Student Code of Conduct will be penalized harshly. In particular, be very careful about sending code to a student who asks how you accomplished a particular task. I’ve heard this story several times recently: “They said they just wanted to see how to perform part X of the project. I didn’t think they would submit my exact code.” If this happens, you will both be penalized for cheating. To protect yourself and to more properly help your fellow student, send pseudocode, and not actual compilable code.