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CS333 Lab 2- Processes management xv6 Solution

Lab: Processes management xv6
The goal of this lab is to understand process management in xv6.
Before you begin
• Download, install, and run the original xv6 OS code. You can use your regular desktop/laptop to run xv6; it runs on an x86 emulator called QEMU that emulates x86 hardware on your local machine. In the xv6 folder, run make, followed by make qemu or make-qemu-nox, to boot xv6 and open a shell.
• We have modified some xv6 files for this lab, and these patched files are provided as part of this lab’s code. Before you begin the lab, copy the patched files into the main xv6 code directory.
• For this lab, you will need to understand and modify following files: proc.c, proc.h, syscall.c, syscall.h, sysproc.c, defs.h, user.h, and usys.S. Below are some details on these files.
– user.h contains the system call definitions in xv6.
– usys.S contains a list of system calls exported by the kernel, and the corresponding invocation of the trap instruction.
– syscall.c contains helper functions to parse system call arguments, and pointers to the actual system call implementations.
– sysproc.c contains the implementations of process related system calls.
– defs.h is a header file with function definitions in the kernel.
– proc.h contains the struct proc structure.
– proc.c contains implementations of various process related system calls, and the scheduler function. This file also contains the definition of ptable, so any code that must traverse the process list in xv6 must be written here.
• Learn how to add a new system call in xv6. You can follow the implementation of an existing system call to understand how to add a new one. Some system calls do not take any arguments and return just an integer value (e.g., uptime in sysproc.c). Some other system calls take in multiple arguments like strings and integers (e.g., open system call in sysfile.c), and return a simple integer value. Further, more complex system calls return a lot of information back to the user program in a user-defined structure. As an example of how to pass a structure of information across system calls, you can see the code of the ls userspace program and the fstat system call in xv6. The fstat system call fills in a structure struct stat with information about a file, and this structure is fetched via the system call and printed out by the ls program.
Part A: New system calls in xv6
You will implement the following new system calls in xv6.
• Implement a system call, called hello(), which prints Hello to the console. You can use cprintf for printing in kernel mode.
• Implement a system call, called helloYou(name), which prints a string name to the console. You can use cprintf for printing in kernel mode.
• Next, we will implement system calls to get information about currently active processes in the system. Implement the system call getNumProc(), to return the total number of active processes in the system (either in embryo, running, runnable, sleeping, or zombie states). Also implement the system call getMaxPid() that returns the maximum PID amongst the PIDs of all currently active processes in the system.
With all of these system calls put together, it is possible to iterate over all active processes in the system, and print their information to screen, just like the ps command does in Linux. The test program testcase-procinfo.c does this for you.
For all system calls that do not have an explicit return value mentioned above, you must return 0 on success and a negative value on failure.
Note: It is important to keep in mind that the process table structure ptable is protected by a lock. You must acquire the lock before accessing this structure for reading or writing, and must release the lock after you are done. Please ensure good locking discipline to avoid bugs in your code.
Part B: Weighted round robin scheduler
The current scheduler in xv6 is an unweighted round robin scheduler. In this lab, you will modify the scheduler to take into account user-defined process priorities and implement a weighted scheduler.
Next, modify the xv6 scheduler to use this priority in picking the next process to schedule, by using the priorities as weights to implement a weighted round robin scheduler. We would like you to achieve two things: (a) a higher numerical priority should translate into more CPU time for the process, so that higher priority processes finish faster than lower priority ones, and (b) lower priority processes should not be excessively starved, and should get some CPU time even in the presence of higher priority processes.
You must think about how you will test the correctness of your scheduler. Come up with testcases that showcase your new scheduling policy. We have provided one sample test case for you in testcase-sched.c, in which a parent spawns multiple children with increasing priorities, and makes them perform a CPU-intensive task. If your scheduler is working correctly, you will see that the higher priority processes will complete the task before the lower priority ones, because they will get more time to run from the weighted round robin scheduler.
Part C: A “welcoming” fork
In this part, we will implement a simple variant of the fork system call, to help you understand how processes return from trap. The default behavior of the fork system call is that a forked child starts execution from the same point in the code that the parent returns to after the fork system call. In this part, you will modify the behavior of fork to enable a child process to resume execution, first in a “welcome” function set by the parent, and then return to the code after fork. This functionality will be implemented via the following two new system calls.
• A parent process that wishes for a child to begin execution in a different function should invoke the system call welcomeFunction. This system call takes the address of the welcome function as an argument. If this welcome function is not set, child processes should begin execution right after fork, as usual. If a welcome function address is set using this system call, new processes should begin execution in this welcome function instead.
• A child that begins execution in a welcome function set by the parent must invoke the system call welcomeDone to go back to executing code after the fork system call, like regular child processes do. This system call takes no arguments, and will be invoked by the child at the end of its execution of the welcome function.
The implementation of this functionality will require you to modify the trap frame of the child process suitably, to alter the EIP to point to the welcome function initially, and to restore it back to its original value when the child completes the welcome function execution. We have provided a simple test program testcase-fork-welcome.c that can be used to test your implementation. In the test program, a parent spawns two children, one before it sets the welcome function pointer, and one after. The first child will return to the code after fork as usual, while the second child will first run the welcome function and then resume execution in the code after fork. You can come up with other such test programs to test your implementation.
Submission instructions
• Place all the files you modified in a directory, with the directory name being your roll number (say, 12345678).
• Tar and gzip the directory using the command tar -zcvf 12345678.tar.gz 12345678 to produce a single compressed file of your submission directory. Submit this tar gzipped file on Moodle.

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