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CS3319 Assignment 3 Solution

Upon completion of assignment 3 you will be able to:
Write a program using PHP and mysql that connects to a backend database
Allow a user to make updates, insertions, deletions and query a database
Create a program that runs on the internet
Create a Graphical User Interface using HTML and CSS
MAKE SURE YOU PUT ALL YOUR CODE IN A SUBFOLDER OF /var/www/html called a3yourmiddlename (e.g. mine would be a3kathryn) AND MAKE SURE YOU SET THE PERMISSIONS AS FOLLOWS ON YOUR SITE:
cd ~ cd /var/www/html mkdir a3yourmiddlename chmod 755Â a3yourmiddlename
We are making the name a3yourmiddlename so that the name of your folder is unique and people can't see your code without you explicitly giving them the URL, I.E. so that the other students in the course can't find your folder and copy your html. They can't copy your php because it is hidden but they could copy your interface (your html, css and javascript files) so if you make the folder called a3yourmiddlename, it is hard for any student to guess that. If you do NOT have a middlename just pick a first name you wished your parents had given you :-) !
Put all your code in a3yourmiddlename folder and subfolders of a3yourmiddlename. Your URL will then be:
Make sure all your files in the a3yourmiddlename directory have a permission of 644 (to do this, inside your a3yourmiddlename folder do this command): chmod 644 filename.php chmod 755 anysubdirectoriesthatyoumakeina3middlenamefolder
Using the database you created for assignment 2,CSS, HTML, PHP and MySQL (and JavaScript if you want, but you don't have to use
JavaScript. It is possible to do the whole assignment without using JavaScript), create a website that allows someone to update the Bus Trip,
Booking, Passenger, Passport and Bus tables. Here are the tasks a user must be able to complete
List all the Bus Trip Data. Allow the user to order the courses by Trip Name OR by Country (you might want to use a radio button for this choice). For each of these 2 fields (name or country)  allow the user to either order them in ascending or descending order (you could also use a radio button for this choice).Â
You do not need to allow them to change the bus (you can if you want but it is not required for this section, just for the add new trip section) Allow the user to select one of the trips listed and delete that trip. If the trip has any bookings, make sure you let the user know that that trip cannot be deleted. Any permanent deletions should always allow the user the chance to back out.Â
Allow the user to create a booking for a trip. The user should be able to pick an existing passenger and an existing trip and then enter the price for that trip.
List all the info about the passengers including passport information in order by last name. Select a passenger and see all of his/her bookings. Allow the user to delete a booking.
List all the bus trips that don't any bookings yet.Â
It is a good habit to disconnect from a database once you have finished using it, make sure you program disconnects from the database.Â
Remember that PHP can get large and cluttered, your application will be marked partly on your structure, comments and modularity, don't put everything in one file, try using PHP includes and functions and separate files to break up the PHP code. Also put comments in your code (but dont include your name, just put something like : Programmer Name: ?? (where ?? is the last 2 digits of your western student number)
NOTE: you cannot use any third party DAL frameworks that let you avoid writing SQL queries/statements. We want you get experience writing SQL with this assignment.
Handing in your assignment:
You are required to submit the following via Owl:
In the attach/upload: all files (.php and .html and .js and .css and extra files ) used to create your application. Please zip them together and just upload the .zip file. Â
Late Policy:
5% off for each day late. You can be up to THREE days late.Â
Once the last day to hand in has passed you will be sent an email from with 5 or 6 students whose code you must mark. You will get 3 days to do your peer marking. Then you will have 1 day to evaluate the feedback you were given.

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